TV drama media revision 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesTV dramasASOCR Created by: Tanisha.fordeCreated on: 12-05-16 14:25 Aerial/crane Shot a view from directly overhead 1 of 24 Canted Angle A shot which is tilted to one side 2 of 24 Close up Variations include extreme, big and medium 3 of 24 Crab Shot A shot which involves the camera being placed in a confined space 4 of 24 Deep Focus A camera technique that allows objects both near and far from the camera to be in focus at the same time 5 of 24 Establishing Shot Establishes the relationship between the set/location and the characters and to show the whole view 6 of 24 Hand-held Shot A shot filmed with the camera not on the tripod 7 of 24 Head-on Shot A shot where the action comes towards the camera 8 of 24 High Angle A view from above the subject 9 of 24 Long Shot A distance shot 10 of 24 Loose Frame A shot where there is a lot of room around an object or person 11 of 24 Low Angle Shot A view from below the subject 12 of 24 Master Shot Establishes the component elements and relationships in such a way as to allow the audience to make sense of the action 13 of 24 Pan The horizontal movement of the camera 14 of 24 Point-of-view Shot A shot taken from the position of the subjects 15 of 24 Pull Focus A shot where one thing was on focus, and then the lens changed so that something else stops being blurry 16 of 24 Rule of Thirds A technique used to make a shot look interesting 17 of 24 Shallow Focus A shhot where an object near the front is in focus and everything else is out of focus 18 of 24 Soft Focus Shots that are associsted with the romantic and sentimental treatment of subject matter 19 of 24 Subjective Filming A shot where the camera is positioned as if looking at the world through the character's eyes 20 of 24 Tight Frame A shot that is composed with the person or object given very little space around them 21 of 24 Tilt Moving the camera vertically up and down from a fixed position 22 of 24 Tracking Shot A camera shot in which the camera moves along rails to follow the subject 23 of 24 Whip Pan A fast pan shot 24 of 24
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