Full time work restricts non-work time available for family, leisure and household activities
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What is a part time job?
This is work organised under 35 hours per week
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What are the benefits of part time work?
Part time work has flexible hours
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What are the risks of a part time job?
A part time job may not give the worker sufficient income and there may not be enough time to fulfill the role in the time available
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What is a seasonal job?
This is work that is only scheduled for a period of time such as the Christmas holidays, this can be full time or part time
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What are the benefits of seasonal work?
Seasonal work has flexible and interesting opportunities for those without commitments
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What are the risks of seasonal work?
There is not a continuous source of income so it could be difficult for those with family/financial commitments
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What is a consultant?
This is an external expert advisor who charges for a service such as delivering training or producing support material.
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What is the benefit of a consultant?
They enable staff to be trained in specialist knowledge, such as first aid, customer service and sports specific techniques. The consultant can focus on developing their specific skill area
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What are the risks of a consultant?
They can be expensive , which limit employment opportunities. The consultant needs to keep up with current trends and knowledge
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What is a volunteer?
This is someone who carries out a role in their free time for free,
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What are the benefits of a volunteer?
These can lead to paid employment and is often a first step in the sports industry. It also gives the opportunity to learn new skills
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What are risks of volunteers?
Some roles are less popular such as treasurer
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What are the benefits of a franchisee?
This is someone who has bought the right to sell an established sport or play facility with brands products/services, in return for a share of the profits
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What are the benefits of a franchisee?
It has a proven market, and it has a brand reputation so support/processes are already in place
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What are the risks of a franchisee?
The investments may not pay off, and it still requires work to establish business in a target market
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