Types of Formula 0.0 / 5 ? Chemistrytypes of formulaASOCR Created by: Lauren8702Created on: 21-03-19 19:42 What is Empirical Formula? The Empirical formula is the simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound. 1 of 5 What is Molecular Formula? The Molecular Formula is the actual number and type of atoms of each element in a molecule of a compund. 2 of 5 What is Structural Formula? A Structural Formula shows the amount of atoms in the molecular formula, but arranged as there structure is. 3 of 5 What is Displayed Formula? A Displayed Formula shows the relative postitioning of atoms and the bonds between them. 4 of 5 What is Skeletal Formula? A Skeletal Formula is a simplified Displayed Formula in which the Hydrogens are not shown. 5 of 5
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