Types of Guidance & Types of Feedback Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationAcquiring movement skillsASOCR Created by: tsmorgan14Created on: 15-11-16 12:10 A form of guidance, that is best used in the cogntive stage. visual 1 of 10 When a coach describes to a student in which areas of his perfromance he can improve in. verbal 2 of 10 An example of this is balancing on the balancing beam in gymnastics. intrinsic 3 of 10 Manual and mechanical guidance help to build this. kinaesthesis 4 of 10 Receiving feedback from a coach or the crowd. extrinsic 5 of 10 Using equipment to help build a feeling for the movement. mechanical 6 of 10 When, via your own body or another person, you are told about your performance and how to improve. feedback 7 of 10 This type of feedback can demotivate a performer. negative 8 of 10 Commonly used in tennis, a coach may physically manipulate the learner to help build kinaesthesis manual 9 of 10 When the coach will point out where you performed well in your performance positive 10 of 10
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