UK key examples
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- Created by: rubylysandrou
- Created on: 03-01-24 14:33
when did Callaghan lose a vote of no confidence?
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was Callaghan's gov labour or conservative?
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when did John Major call a vote of no confidence?
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why did John Major call a vote of no confidence?
-because MPs were opposed to his gov support for the Maastricht treaty
-used to display support
-used to display support
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example of the delegate model
BJ opposing the 3rd runway at Heathrow
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How did Ben Bradshaw defy the Labour whip?
by supporting Article 50 following the Brexit referendum result
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what model was in action?
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who voted in favour of giving Parliament a vote on any Brexit deal which is reached, representing their constituents?
Ken Clarke and Anna Soubry
8 of 124
which party did they vote against?
9 of 124
What did the Salisbury convention stop the HoL from doing?
opposing legislation outlined in govs manifesto
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How long can the HoL delay a bill according to the Parliament act?
1 year
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when was the parliament act?
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why did MPs use their parliamentary privilege during the Ryan Giggs affair
to name the footballer who had taken out an injunction over an affair
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how many conservative backbenchers voted against coalition plans
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when was this?
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what were the coalition plans for
House of Lords reform
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give two examples of select committees
-education select committee
-defence select committee
-defence select committee
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examples of HoL select committees
- Economic Affairs committee
- Communications committee
- International Relations committee
- Communications committee
- International Relations committee
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which select committee questioned Nick Hurd?
Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee
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on the support that was being provided for people affected by the Grenfell Tower fire
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who was questioned by the Business, Innovation and Skills select committee
Mike Ashley, the owner of Sports Direct
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over the working conditions in Sports DIRECT's shops.
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which select committees 2018 report was on the importance of the private rented sector
- The Housing, Communities and Local Government select committee
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what did this report encourage
the government’s Build to Rent programme, which increases the number of homes available for rent
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who used PMQs to ask questions from the public?
Jeremy Corbyn
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what did David Cameron suggest in emails sent to MPs
suggesting questions for them to ask at Prime Minister’s Questions including on the benefits of the government’s economic policies
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why did BoJo resign from Mays Gov?
Chequeres deal
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what kind of cabinet did Tony Blair have?
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what kind of cabinet did Gordon Brown have
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who wrote 'the British presidency'
Michael Foley
30 of 124
what did he argue?
that the PM is becoming presidential and distances themselves from gov to increase personal stature
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example of a presidential PM
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what did televised leadership debates do?
reinforced the focus on party leaders
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example of a cabinet PM
David Cameron
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who resigned as Home Sec after sending official documents from her personal email?
Suella Braverman
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when did she resign?
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collective or individual?
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why did Matt Hancock resign?
was caught having an affair
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collective or individual?
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who did not resign over weakened border checks which allowed foreign criminals and terrorist suspects into the UK?
Home Sec Theresa May
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who did she blame instead?
Brodie Clark, the head of the UK Border Force at the time.
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what is this a failure of?
individual responsibility
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when did David Cameron relax collective responsibility?
during the EU referendum, giving ministers the choice to campaign for staying or leaving the EU.
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who resigned in 2018 due to disagreeing with the Chequeres deal
Boris Johnson (foreign sec)
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on what did 12 conservative MPs vote against the government?
in favour of giving MPs a vote on the final Brexit deal
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how many times was the gov defeated in the HoL from 2016-17
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which bill was defeated in the HoL in 2017?
bill to enable people in apprenticeships and under the age of 20 to qualify for child benefits.
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which PM was only defeated 4 times in 10 years
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on what did Theresa May not console parliament on in 2018
sending air strikes to Syria
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what was the 1990 Factortame case
where EU courts ruled over a parliamentary law that meant ships had a majority of British owners if they were to fish in UK waters
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what did the Factortame case highlight?
sovereignty of Eu law over British law
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what act highlights the shift towards parliamentary sovereignty
In 2017 parliament voted in favour of the Brexit Bill which triggered Article 50 and started the process of the UK leaving the EU.
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what is a limit to parliamentary sovereignty
The 2016 referendum on leaving the EU in which over 33.5 million people voted
Gov had to go against their beliefs
Gov had to go against their beliefs
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Which MP was founded to be acting in ultra vires in 2016
Chris Grayling
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he introduced a “residence test” to the Legal Aid Act in 2012
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why did the Supreme Court oppose the 2018 civil partnerships act?
The court found the act incompatible with the ECHR because gay couples are allowed to choose between marriage or civil partnership, but straight couples cannot
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why did the SC use freedom of information in 2015
to publish Prince Charles letters to government ministers
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how man signatures did the petition ‘Bad owners are to blame not the breed - don't ban the XL bully’ have?
over 600k
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when was it debated by gov?
Nov 2023
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how many signatures does a petition need to be debated?
60 of 124
which protests took place late 2023 in London and Edinburgh
Free Palestine and calls for a ceasefire in Gaza
61 of 124
which pressure group staged protests throughout 2023
Just stop oil
62 of 124
turnout in the Good Friday agreement
63 of 124
which referendum had a turnout of 84.6%
Scottish independence
64 of 124
which referendum was estimated to have cost 142 million pounds
EU referendum
65 of 124
how many MPs are privately educated compared to the UK
29% of MPs are privately educated, but only 7% of the UK is.
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turnout for EU elections
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which party won 26.6 of the popular vote in EU parliament, but only 12% in the GE?
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what percentage of support from 18-18 y/o did Labour have compared to Conservatives?
69 of 124
what was the turnout for people over 70?
70 of 124
what was the turnout for 18/19 y/o
71 of 124
what percentage of seats did LibDems win with their 7% of the vote?
under 2%
72 of 124
which constituency saw 67% of the votes wasted?
North East Fife
73 of 124
which party won by a maj of 2 votes?
74 of 124
how many DUP and Alliance candidates stood in Belfast east
2 alliance
2 alliance
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what percentage did Sadiq Khan win in the 2016 london mayor election
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how many votes were wasted in round 1 and 2
r1- 15%
r2- 7%
r2- 7%
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what minority governments have been brought about by AMS
SNP minority government from 2007-2011, in the most recent 2016 election
a Labour minority government from 2011-2016 in Wales.
a Labour minority government from 2011-2016 in Wales.
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in which year did Labour win a maj with 418 seats
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in which year did Conservatives win 306 seats
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which year did conservatives win a small maj of 43
81 of 124
Where were old Labour ideas outlined
1918 manifesto
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what was outlined in clause iv
Labours belief in the need for wealth to be redistributed and in state ownership of main national industries
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who described the manifesto as ‘the longest suicide note in history’ after Labour lost the election.
Labour MP Gerald Kaufman
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who was challenged within his own party in 2016?
Jeremy Corbyn
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which party won 46 seats in 1997
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who was elected as LibDem leader in 2019?
Jo Swinson
87 of 124
what type of parties are BNP and SNP
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2 examples of a single-issue party
green and UKIP
89 of 124
how many MPs did conservatives lose to UKIP before 2015
90 of 124
who was part of the 2017 confidence and supply deal
Conservatives and DUP
91 of 124
who won more seats in the EU elections: Cons, Labour or UKIP
92 of 124
how many of the 59 constituencies did the SNP win in 2015?
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which party holds 28 out of 90 seats in the NI assembly?
94 of 124
which party holds 27/90 seats?
Sinn Fein
95 of 124
what was UKIPs vote share in the 2017 election
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how many seats did UKIP win in the European elections?
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which act placed a limit of £30,000 on constituency spending and required donations of over £5,000 to be declared
The Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act (PPER) 2000
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what did the second PPER act 2009 do?
-imposed further regulations on spending by candidates in the run-up to an election
-empowered the Electoral Commission to investigate cases and impose fines
-restricted donations from non-UK residents
-reduced the thresholds for the declaration of donati
-empowered the Electoral Commission to investigate cases and impose fines
-restricted donations from non-UK residents
-reduced the thresholds for the declaration of donati
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which scandal saw evidence that parties were getting around legislation to limit or regulate donations by accepting long-term, low-interest loans - often in return for honours in the form of peerages.
'loans for peerages' scandal
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what did the vote share decline to from 95% in the 1950's
65% in 2010
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how many seats do Labour hold from 29% of the national vote
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the to main parties have never held less than what?
85% of the seats in the House of Commons
103 of 124
two outsider groups
-plane stupid
-plane stupid
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what type of pressure group are NICE and The TaxPayers Alliance?
insider groups
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two sectional groups
-House Builders Federation
-British Medical Association
-British Medical Association
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which promotional groups argued for and against the third runway at Heathrow
for- British Chambers of Commerce
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what did the promotional group 'We Demand a Referendum' do?
dropped off a petition at Downing Street with 100,000 signatures in 2012 calling for a referendum on EU membership.
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which party are Momentum associated with?
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which pressure group is associated with conservatives?
Centre for policy studies
110 of 124
which PG marched outside David Cameron’s home in 2011 to demonstrate their anger at his article which labelled men who abandon their families as “Feckless Fathers” who “should be looked at like drink drivers.”
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which ban did Countryside Alliance pressure group contest?
ban on fox hunting in the High Court
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what was set up by Ameet Gill and Paul Stephenson, a director for the campaign group Vote Leave.
Hanbury strategy
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what did the Hanbury Strategy do?
lobbied primarily around Brexit issues that affect their clients.
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which two corporations threatened to reduce investment and cut thousands of UK jobs if there is a ‘hard’ Brexit.
BMW and Airbus
115 of 124
which act aimed to establish the four freedoms
Single European Act 1985
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what are outlined in the Treaty of Rome
four freedoms and European Economic Community
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which agreement did the UK and Ireland opt out of in 1995
Schengen agreement
free movement of citizens
free movement of citizens
118 of 124
how many members of the eurozone were there in 2014
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what created problems for some Eurozone countries such as Greece and Ireland
2008 financial crisis
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what did Blair sign up to in 1997
Social Chapter
121 of 124
example of a treaty
1997 treaty of Amsterdam
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example of an organisation
General Data Protection Regulation was an EU law designed to increase data protection for all citizens within the EU and applied to all member states from May 2018.
123 of 124
what did the 2013 Industrial Emissions Directive set out?
goals for EU member states to lower their industrial emissions.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
was Callaghan's gov labour or conservative?
Card 3
when did John Major call a vote of no confidence?
Card 4
why did John Major call a vote of no confidence?
Card 5
example of the delegate model
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