Understanding Relationships - WK 4 Key Terms

What is the definition of social psychology?
The scientific study of the effects of social and cognitive processes on the way individuals perceive, influence, and relate to others.
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What is the definition of social processes?
The ways in which input from the people and groups around us affect our thoughts, feelings, and actions
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What is the definition of cognitive processes?
The ways in which our memories, perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and motives influence our understanding of the world and guide our actions.
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What is the definition of construction of reality?
Each person’s view of reality is a construction, shaped both by cognitive processes and social processes
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What is the definition of seeking connectedness?
That people seek support, liking, and acceptance from the people and groups they care about
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What is the definition of "me and mine"?
That people desire to see themselves, and other people and groups connected to themselves in a positive light
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Card 2


What is the definition of social processes?


The ways in which input from the people and groups around us affect our thoughts, feelings, and actions

Card 3


What is the definition of cognitive processes?


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Card 4


What is the definition of construction of reality?


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Card 5


What is the definition of seeking connectedness?


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