Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology


1. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 minute. What does this mean?

  • It is a product of sugar/glucose and blood volume (S x BV)
  • It is a product of blood volume and heart volume (BV x HV)
  • It is a product of stroke volume and heart rate (SV x HR)
  • It is a product of heart volume and stroke rate (HV x SR)
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2. this is a inherrited condition, which results in sudden concentquences such as death

  • sudden arrthmic death syndrome
  • sudden heart disfunction sydrome
  • sudden arythmic death syndrome
  • sudden heart collaspe sydrome

3. When does Distolic blood pressure occur in the cardiac cycle?

  • Near the beginning
  • Near the end
  • In the middle
  • Never

4. Define hypothermia?

  • hot
  • cold
  • it's the condition of having dangerously low body temperature
  • it's the condition of having dangerously high body temperature

5. What does the Systolic Blood Pressure do?

  • Represents how quickly you can run around a football pitch
  • Decides whether you need to sleep or not
  • Represents the maximum pressure exerted on the arteries.
  • Represents the minimum pressure exherted on the arteries.


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