Focused on children acquire the ability to think, children think differently to adults, cant think logically until aged 7, infants use egocentrical thinking
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Sensorimotor- birth to 2 years
Infants interact with world using eyes ears mouth and touch, invent ways to solve problems, Piaget believed cant remember or think about the world until 18 months
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Preoperational- 2 to 7 years
Children use symbols to represent earlier discoveries, language development, role play, cannot understand numbers mass and volume
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Concrete operational - 7 to 11 years
Reasoning becomes logical providing issues are concrete, can understand simple logical principles
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Formal operational - 11 to 18 years
Tave the capacity for abstract thinking, use symbols not reflecting real objects, think of possible outcomes for scientific problems, problems dont have to be concrete
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Test of conservation
The idea that children understand that somethings appearance may change but its quantity stays the same, understood by 7 years
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Piaget's model - criticisms
Based on small number, stages may be more fluid, under/over estimated cognitive abilities, does not consider children with learning disabilities, Bruner- with adult support can achieve above the normal
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Card 2
Sensorimotor- birth to 2 years
Infants interact with world using eyes ears mouth and touch, invent ways to solve problems, Piaget believed cant remember or think about the world until 18 months
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