unit 1:types of play 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social Carehuman lifespan developmentA2/A-levelOther Created by: Ems9Created on: 15-01-18 11:58 solo play- birth to 2 years play on their own, explore environment at own pace, helps with attention self-reliance trial and error self esteem 1 of 5 parallel play - 2 to 3 years play alongside other children, not learnt sharing skills, own independent activity, will show an interest in other child 2 of 5 co-operative play - 3 to 8 years widen social network, form relationships, emotional development increases 3 of 5 informal relationship within families + significant people, built on strong bonds of trust, promotes positive self concept 4 of 5 formal relationship between colleagues or teacher, o emotional attachment, demand different skills 5 of 5
Unit 3: LO1 -Understand potential hazards in health, social care and child care environements 4.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings
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