Individuals can express their own views themselves. Everyone has an equal say in decisions. An example of this is referendums
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What is indirect democracy?
Representatives are elected in order to represent the views of the people. They use their own judgement and they can be held accountable to the electorate.
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Give an example of an advantage of direct democracy.
All votes have equal value, increases participation, removes the need for trust in representatives, develops a sense of community and genuine debate.
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Give an example of an advantage of indirect democracy.
the only practical system in larger states, reduces chances of 'tyranny of the majority', Elections allow representatives to be held to account, politicians are better informed and more knowledgeable than the average person.
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What are the drawbacks of a direct democracy?
Impractical in larger populations, People can be deceived by politicians very easily, Decisions that have been made may not be accepted by the public, minority viewpoints may be disregarded.
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What are the current good points about our democracy?
Devolved governments with their own individual powers, Free media, independent judiciary, free and fair elections, Wide range of parties and pressure groups
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Why is there an under-representation of minority viewpoints?
We currently use a First Past The Post (FPTP) system which will produce a mismatch of votes for parties and seats. Eg UKIP with 594000 votes and have no seats
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How does the house of lords lack democratic legitimacy?
The house of lords is made up of mostly appointed members that have not been selected by the people, and therefore hold a position of power that can make decisions and cannot be scrutinised.
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Why can the media be seen as undemocratic?
Many sections of the media can be owed by businesses therefore making it bias to support their own views
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What aspects of our democracy are bad?
The FPTP system is unrepresentative, Powerful people can hold positions without being scrutinised, no entrenched bill of rights, power is with the rich
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What was the turnout of the 2017 General election?
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What was the turnout of the 2015 General election?
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What was the turnout of the 2010 General election?
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What was the turnout of the 2005 General election?
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What was the turnout of the 2001 General election?
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What was the turnout of the 1997 General election?
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What should be done to reform the current voting system?
Votes on weekends rather than Thursdays, Votes from any polling station rather than a particular one, voting takes place over several days.
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Arguments for making voting compulsory
Voting is a social duty, this would produce a more balanced parliament, If people desperatly did not want to vote then they could just spoil their ballot papers.
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Why voting should not be compulsory
Safe seats will still be neglected, undemocratic to force people to take part
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Who currently cannot vote?
Those under 18, EU citizens, Members of the lords, prisoners, people who are psychiatric detainment,
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What happened in 1832?
The great reform act - created seats for urban areas, more people allowed to vote.
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When could all people over 21 vote?
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When was the voting age reduced to 18?
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What is plural voting and when was it stopped?
When someone owned land in different constituencies and therefore could vote in all of them. it was stopped in 1948
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is indirect democracy?
Representatives are elected in order to represent the views of the people. They use their own judgement and they can be held accountable to the electorate.
Card 3
Give an example of an advantage of direct democracy.
Card 4
Give an example of an advantage of indirect democracy.
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