unit 1 psychology memory case studies 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyMemoryGCSEAQA Created by: bethanymaltby2Created on: 20-11-16 12:49 Bruce and young 1998 To see if familiarity affects the accuracy of identifying faces-lecturers on cctv 1 of 13 Loftus and Palmer 1974 To see if asking leading questions affects accuracy of recall-car accident videos 2 of 13 Gieselmen et al 1985 To see if reinstating the context of an event will affects the accuracy of recall of the eye witness accounts-police training film 3 of 13 Cohen 1981 To see if stereotypes affect memory-video of man/woman in restuarant 4 of 13 Milner et al 1957 henry molaison-hippocampus-amnesia 5 of 13 Russel and Nathan 1946 bike accident-amnesia 6 of 13 Godden and Baddeley 1975 To see if you recall information better when you learn it and recall it in the same environment, rather than in different ones-divers and 4 conditions 7 of 13 Underwood and Postman 1960 To see if new learning interferes with previous learning-word pair lists 8 of 13 Craik and Lockhart 1972 To see if the type of questions asked about words will have an affect on how many are recalled correctly-processed questions 9 of 13 Wynn and Logie 1998 To see if the recall of familiar stories changed in the same way that Bartlett found with unfamiliar stories-1st week at uni 10 of 13 Bartlett 1932 To see if people, when given something unfamiliar to remember, would alter the information 11 of 13 Murdock 1962 To provide evidence to support the multi-store model of memory-p and r effect words 12 of 13 Peterson and Peterson 1959 To see if rehearsal is necessary to hold information in short-term store 13 of 13
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