the study of the way the body responds to exercise and training
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what does aerobic mean?
with oxygen
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what does anaerobic mean?
without oxygen
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what can long term exercise do for the skeletal system?
slow skeletal ageing and give you a greater bone mass
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why is weight-bearing exercise most benficial to the skeletal system?
be it increases osteoblast and this is specialish nucleated cells that reshape the bones and make then bigger and stronger but it is dependant on adequate calcium supplies
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what type of tissue is bone?
dynamic tissue
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what is osteoblasts?
reshaping the bone
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what is osteoclasts?
this is what breaks down the bone to to release the calcium and other minerals
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what is synovial fluid?
thick, straw-coloured liquid acts as a lubricant found primarily in synovial joints?
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what is viscosity?
how thick a fluid is, affecting its resistance to flow
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when synovial fluid increases what haoppens to viscosity?
viscosity decreases
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why is this impoprtant for the synovial joints?
keeps joints healthy and it stops them from drying out
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what does exercise do to the amount of synovial fluid?
this means that there is more movement possible at the joints.
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what does high intensity cardiovascular exercise strengthen?
the cardiac muscle
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what does intense strength conditioning decrease sensivity to?
muscular soreness
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name the short term effect of the muscular system
less injuries
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name the long term effect of the muscular system
extra muscular strength + endurance
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what pattern does muscle fibre recruitment follow?
slow twitch -type 1 Fast twitch type 11a and type 11x
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when doing max exercise activity how many muscle fibres are recruited?
all the muscle fibres are never recruited to reduce injury and muscle damage
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can muscle fibres adapt to the activity that you do?
yes they adapt to the sport E.G. sprinting more type 11a and type 11x
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what is cardiac output?
the amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in a minute
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what is the average at rest for an adult male?
5-6 litres
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how is blood flow distrubuted in the body?
at rest only 20% of blood goes to the muscle and the rest goes to vital organs. when you do exercise up to 86% of blood goes to the working muscles and the left over goes to the vital organs
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what is vasoconstriction?
reduction in the diameter of the blood vessels
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what is vasodilation?
expansion in the diameter of blood vessels
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what regulates the redistrubution of of blood?
hormones or chemicals
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what is the average amount of liters that of blood for cardiac out when doing exercise?
15-20 litres
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what happens to muscle fibres when you do exercise?
they all contract and relax against each other and this results in microscopic tears
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what does aerobic mean?
with oxygen
Card 3
what does anaerobic mean?
Card 4
what can long term exercise do for the skeletal system?
Card 5
why is weight-bearing exercise most benficial to the skeletal system?
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