Unit 2 Crim AC1.1

  • Created by: lilpeep96
  • Created on: 10-01-21 15:56
what is a crime?
an act punishable by law
1 of 14
what is deviance?
any behaviour which is unusual, uncommon or out of the ordinary.
it challenges accepted norms, moral codes and values.
2 of 14
what is an actus reus?
a guilty act.
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what is a mens rea?
a guilty mind
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what is an exception to an actus reus?
self defence as long as the force used is reasonable.
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what is a social defintion
criminal behaviour is anything that a society deems unacceptable. However this is not consistent between societies and cultures.
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what are the two types of main offences?
summary offences- less serious, magistrates courts
indictable offences- more serious, crown court, judge and jury.
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what are the 3 court imposed sanctions?
custodial sentences- being sent to prison
community sentences- served in the community instead of prison
fines- a financial penalty
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what are the 3 police sanctions?
cautions- warnings
conditional cautions- they have to stick to certain conditions, if they break them they can be charged.
penalty notice- issued for minor crimes. if they pay the penalty they won't get a conviction.
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what are norms?
specific rules or socially acceptable standards that guide our behaviour
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what are moral codes?
our ideas of what is right and wrong
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what are values?
general principles for how we should live out our lives and underlying ideas about what behaviour is correct
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what are the 2 sanctions against deviance
formal sanctions- imposed by official bodies, police, schools for breaking official rules.
informal sanctions- used when the rules aren't written down. people show their disapproval in informal ways.
13 of 14
what are the 3 forms of deviance
behaviour which is unusual but good
behaviour which is unusual and eccentric or bizarre
behaviour which is unusual and disapproved of
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is deviance?


any behaviour which is unusual, uncommon or out of the ordinary.
it challenges accepted norms, moral codes and values.

Card 3


what is an actus reus?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a mens rea?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is an exception to an actus reus?


Preview of the front of card 5
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