Unit 3- Health
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- Created by: ella_mae
- Created on: 03-05-19 09:26
Environmental Hazard
Worn or dammaged equipment, furniture and flooring can cause slip and trip hazards resulting in sprains, brusing or fractures
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Biological Hazard
Medical or other waste products not being disposed of following correct procedures and poor levels of hygiene can result in the spread of infection and disease
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Chemical Hazard
Medicines- incorrect dosage administered, wrong medication, unauthorised access to medication can all have serious health consequences. Cleanign materials- incorrectly stored, or used can cause serious physical harm
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Pschological Hazard
Stress and fatigue- due to long working hours, coping with challenging behaviour, violence, abuse from service users, bullying in the wrokplace
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Physical Hazard
Excessive loud noise at work, eg- continuous use of a loud vaccum can cause ringing. Radiation from electromagnetic rays such as X-rays
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Musculoskeletal Hazard
Manual handling of equipment, patients and residents can cause back or muscle injury if not carried out correctly. Display screen equipment- incorrect posture or badly positioned screen when using a computer causing muscle pain
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Working Conditions Hazard
Temperature- too hot/cold causing dehydration. Noise levels too high having effects on hearing. Travel- long distances, travel, being away
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Workign Practice Hazard
Excessive working hours resulting in tiredness, lack of supervision- training and supervision needed all times
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Lack of security systems Hazard
door locks, alarm systems, monitoring of visitors who may pose threats
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Give 3 examples of hazardous activities in care settings
assisting someone out of a wheelchair, exposure to infections, lifting heavy equipment
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Give 3 exmaples of practical hazards
Broken furniture, broken toys, poor lighting
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What is a potential impact of hazards on Employees?
Staff may sustain back injuries if no adequate training is given for manual handling
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What is a potential impact of hazards on Employers?
Could face serious consequences such as being taken to court, being fined or closed down if a person is seriously injured resulting in the setting devleloping a bad reputation
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What is a potential impact of hazards on Individuals requiring care and support?
Staff who do not maintain high levels of hygiene can cause infection to spread among individuals resulting in diseases such as MRSA. They could alos face financial loss if belongings are stolen or damaged
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Example of Injury or Harm
Back injury, slipped disc, chemcial burns, cuts and bruises, deafness
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Example of an illness
Eye strain, food poisoning, headaches, infections
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Example of poor standards of care
bed sores, bruising, dehydration, malnutrition can occur if staff are tired, forget to give medication, forget to proivde fluids/food, lack concentration
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Intentional abuse and example
Abuse that is deliberate, exmaples include theft, verbal abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse and physical abuse
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Unintentional abuse and example
Caused by careless approach to tasks through the lack of training or neglect. Exmaples include; poor care of a hospital patient resulting in bed sores, nursing home resident suffering from dehydration due to their fluid intake not being monitored
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Possible effects for abusers of abuse
Having to attend training, disiplinary action, suspension, dismissal, being sued for neglience, ciminal prosecution
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Possible effects of abuse for individuals experiencing abuse
Anger, anxiety, death, depression, injury, lack of sleep, disempowerment, embarrassment, fear, feeling betrayed
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Health and Safety at work Act 1974
Established the health and safety executive as the regulator for health and safety in the workplace which is responsible for monitoring health and safety in the workplace by doing spot checks and carrying out investigations if an accident occured
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How does the HSE enforce legislation?
By issuing improvement notices, and can fine settings/take them to court. They also provide guidance and advice on how to minimise risks in the workplace
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How do working environments not put anyone at risk?
By carrying out risk assessments and providing PPE
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How do settings ensure equipment is safe and in good working order?
By regularly safety checking equipment and service and maintain it
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How do employers provide adequate health and safety training?
By provding H&S training for staff using specialist equipment
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Why does a written health and safety policy need to be provided?
To produce a H&S policy in line with legal requirements and ensure that staff are aware of it and have access to it
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Protective equipment, must be avalible if needed, why is this?
To maintain an adequate supply of PPE
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What must employees ensure in HASAWA?
That they co-operate with their employer by following health and safety regulaltions in the workpalce, report any hazards to the employer, not to misuse equipment, take care of themselves and others in the workplace, wear any protective clothing
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Managment of H&S at work regulations 1999
The management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 were introduced to reinforce HASAWA. These regualtions place duties on both employers and employees and add details to the HASAWA about the safe management of health and safety
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What does the managment of H&S add to HASAWA about employers?
To ensure that risk assessments are carried out as weel as control measures. COmpetent individuals are appointed to manage H&S, and to deal with any emergencies that may occur
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Food Safety Act 1990
Covers the safe preperation, storage and serving of food. It states that environmental health officers can seize food unfit, serve an improvement notice and close premises if needed
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The Food Safety Regulations 1992
Requires that food safety hazards are identified. It states that safety controls must be in palce, amintained and reviewed
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State 3 points about food safety in the food safety regulations
Food handlers must wear suitable clean and appropriate protective clothing. Food handlers must be supervised and/or trained in food hygiene to a level appropriate. Environments where food is prepared and cooked must be kept clean and in good conditio
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Anyone who works with food shoudl wash their hands efore handling as harmful bacteria can spread very easily from people's hands to food, surfaces and equipment
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Food Storage and Prep
Do not use food past its use by date, make sure fridges are operating below 5oc. These checks will protect vulnerable people from bacteria that could cause illness
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When cleaning up after accidents make sure to wash and disinfect the area, make sure suitable clothing is worn ideally being disposable to prevent harmful bacteria from spreading to food prep
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Care staff helping food prep should wah their hands throughly and put on a disposable apron. Staff should ensure residents and visitors should wash their hands throughly efore helping to feed to prevent bacteria spreading to food from hands/uniform
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Manual Handling Operations regulaltions 1992
The legislation states that individuals should avoid the need for manual handling as far as possible and the assess the risk of injury as far as possible. Employers must provide information, training and supervision about fare manual handling
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Guidance for safe lifting
1. Stand with feet apart 2. bend knees 3. keep back straight 4. lean slighly forward to grip 5. lift smoothly
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What should manual handling training include?
Information about risk factors and how injuries can occur. Techniques for carrying out manual handling safetly. How to use mechanical aids alongside practical work to allow the trainer to identify and put right anything the trainee isnt doing correct
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This piece of legislation requires employers to keep records of and to report; work related accidents causing death, servious injury, diagnosed cases of certain work accidents, incidents that have the potential to cause harm
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In RIDDOR what records must be kept?
ANy accident, occupational disease or dangerous occurances that requires reporting under RIDDOR. Any other occupational disease, all accidents where a worker in unable to work for 3 days via an accident book
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What information should be recorded in the accident booklet?
Date, time and place of event. Details of those involved, summary fo what happened, details of the injury
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What does keeping records enable employers to do?
Collect infor to help properly manage H&S risks, to aid risk assessments, develop situations for risks, help revent ill health and injury, help control costs from accidental loss or fines
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8 Principles of the Data Protection Act 1998
1. Processed fairly and lawfully 2. Used only for the purposes 3. Adequate and relevent 4. Accurate and up to date 5. Kept for no longer than necessary 6. Processed in line w rights 7. Secured 8. Not transferred outside EU
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Civil Contingencies Act 2004
CCA establishes a clear set of roles and responsibilities for those involved in emergency preperation and response at a high level by requring organsiations in the health system to prep for adverse events and incidents
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What are 3 exmaple of contingency plans?
Major incident plans, plans for management of mass casualties, lockdown or controlled access plans
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Control of Substances hazadous to health 2002
COSHH requires employers to either prevent or reduce their workers exposure to substances that are hazardour to their health by ensuring that potentially dangerous substances are safely stored/disposed of
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What must the COSHH file state?
Identify and name substance, describe the effects of the substance, state maximum time safe to expose it, describe how to deal with an emergency involving it
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Define Safeguarding
To rptect people health, wellbeing and rights, enabling them to keep safe from harm, abuse and neglect
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Safeguarding children involves...
Protecting from maltreatment, preveting impairment of health and devlelopment taking action to enable all to have the best outcomes
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What are common safeguarding issues in adult care?
Pressure sores, falls, rough treatment, lack of social inclusion, physical abuse and financial abuse
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What are the 3 types of DBS checks?
1. Standard-checks for criminal convictions, cautions, reprimans and final warning 2. Enhanced-additional check of information held by police relevent for role applied for 3. Enhanced with list checks- additionally checks the barred list
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Barred list
A list of individuals who are on record as being unsuitable for working with children/vunerable adults which means they are barred to do this type of work
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Biological Hazard
Medical or other waste products not being disposed of following correct procedures and poor levels of hygiene can result in the spread of infection and disease
Card 3
Chemical Hazard
Card 4
Pschological Hazard
Card 5
Physical Hazard
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