Unit 3 examples

DOMA 1996
Defense of Marriage Act. Section 3 struck down by SC, which prevented fed gov from recognising LGBT couples for fed laws or programs, even if married in own state
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Texas cuts on Planned Parenthood
District judge ruled Texas could cut Planned Parenthood funding in December 2012. Since then, LA Times reports more low income women are having babies without birth control. In 18 months, went up from 7% to 8.7%
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Senate Bill 537 + Rick Perry
"make abortion in Texas a thing of the past". Would require all abortion clinics in Texas to meet same requirements as ambulatory surgical centers => hard to fulfill
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Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam - own AA courts
"we want equal justice under the law" - US judicial system biased against African Americans, so want own courts.
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Georgia Prom
Georgia hosted first racially integrated prom in April 2014
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Obama Plans to allow 5 million migrants to stay and work
26 states, including Teas sued to block Obama's plans - left migrants in limbo => went to SC
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DHS practice of immigrant family detention
Since Summer 2014, DHS increased detention practices due to influx of undocumented immigrants. 136 HoR Dems sent DHS Sec a letter about the issue
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Black voter turnout 2012
Black voter turnout in 2012 presidential election exceeded white voter turnout (66.2% v. 64.1%) - taken from Census Bureau
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Hispanic turnout 2012
Census Bureau - 48%, reduced by 2% from 2008. Eligible Latino voters who were eligible to vote but chose not to rose from 9.8m (08) to 12.1m (12)
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Youth voter turnout 2012
Census Bureau - among 18-24 yr olds, turnout fell to 41.2% from 48.5% in 2008
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Higher share of under 18 Latino population
generational replacement => Latino group will become more important voting bloc in future elections. 17% of total population but 24% of under 18 population.
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Non-white vote share 2012
26% voter share of all voters in 2012 - record high share. Share will rise to 54.8% in 2060 (Census Bureau)
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Mitt Romney non-white voter share
27% in 2012 (The Economist) => pushed to right by the Tea Party and increasing partisanship .: less likely to have non-white voters who generally vote more liberally.
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Racial slurs statistics
Pew Research - 55% subjected to racial slurs, 24 felt annoyed for people making assumptions based on racial background
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Texas demographics (2011)
population: 25 million; White %: 81%; black %: 12%; Hispanic %: 39%
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Maine demographics (2011)
population: 1 million; white %: 95%; black %: 1%; Hispanic: 1%
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Texas Hispanic population future => important for Republican party
2020: largest single group in Texas population; 2030: majority population
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Ted Cruz 2012 Senate race - latino vote
35% Latino vote despite Cuban-American background => Cuban voters tend to lean Republican
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Little Rock 1957
Arkansas - 9 black students were the first to integrate Little Rock High School => complying with federal constitutional requirements (Brown v. Board of Education)
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Voting Rights Act 1965
Passed with strong bipartisan support. Allowing all to vote, whichever race or colour they are. Section 4 + 5 overturned (9 southern states had to seek permission from Fed gov before redistricting)
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Black people enrolled in university (1959 and 2010)
1959: 4.6% b/w 25 and 29 graduated from university; 2010: 38% of blacks b/w 18 and 24 were enrolled in university (Census Bureau)
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Charleston Shooting
South Carolina in a church - nine people killed
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1964 Civil Rights Act
illegal to discriminate on the basis of race
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2014 Senate Race - Cory Gardner (R) Puerto Rican migrants
Republican candidate - vague but warm about immigration. Puerto Rican hispanics voted 65% for Democrats in Colorado
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Texas after Section 4of VRA invalidated, and designified Section 5
Texas introduced voter identification law
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2012 A-A turnout due to Section 5
A-A turnout exceeded white voter turnout in five of the six states originally covered by Section 5
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Decrease in share of white vote (1992-2008)
Share of white vote has decreased since 1992 from 87% to 74% in 2008
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Obama non-white voter share 2012
80% (Washington Post - National Election Pool)
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Ohio African American voter share 2012 (Obama)
up to 15% from 11% in 2008 (Washington Post - National Election Pool)
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Florida Hispanic voter share 2012 (Obama)
up from 14% to 17% (Washington Post - National Election Pool)
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59% said economy was most important issue in 2012 elections (Pew Research)
49% said Romney could handle it better compared to 48% for Obama
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Biggest national trend in Romney's favour (2012)
distaste for more expansive government. 51% said government is doing too much compared to 43% who said it wasn't doing enough (Pew Research)
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Favourable view of Obama (Election Day 2012, %)
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national nonwhite voter percentage
Nationally, nonwhite voters made up 28% of all voters, up from 26% in 2008
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2 single states Obama lost in 2012 that he'd won in 2008
North Carolina and Indiana
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Obama Campaign Strategies
Opened 800 field offices, Separate policies unveled to appeal to each demographic of coalition, negative campaigning against Romney,
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Obama election 2012: policy appeal to young voters
Battling Republicans to increase number of government-backed student loans
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Obama election 2012: policy appeal to women
advertised first bill he signed into Law - Lilly Ledbetter Act - easier to sue on wage discrimination
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Obama election 2012: policy appeal to latinos
DACA - reprieving deportation to certain illegal immigrants who arrived as children
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Obama election 2012
put an end to Don't Ask Don't Tell, which expelled openly gay soldiers from armed forces; expressed support for gay marriage
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Gay voter share + Obama voter share by gays
5% total voter share, 76% of them voted for Obama
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


District judge ruled Texas could cut Planned Parenthood funding in December 2012. Since then, LA Times reports more low income women are having babies without birth control. In 18 months, went up from 7% to 8.7%


Texas cuts on Planned Parenthood

Card 3


"make abortion in Texas a thing of the past". Would require all abortion clinics in Texas to meet same requirements as ambulatory surgical centers => hard to fulfill


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


"we want equal justice under the law" - US judicial system biased against African Americans, so want own courts.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Georgia hosted first racially integrated prom in April 2014


Preview of the back of card 5
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