Unit 4 Intro 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyInfoA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: lauraking20Created on: 08-06-17 15:19 How many risk drivers? 6 1 of 22 What are they? 1) Climate Change 2) Environmental Degradation 3) Weak Governance 4) Globalised Economic Development 5) Poverty and Inequality 6) Urban development 2 of 22 Who created these risk factors? Prevention Web 3 of 22 How can these be more broadly classified? Social, economic, environmental and political 4 of 22 A hazardous event A process that may causes loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation' 5 of 22 Disaster management The organisation, planning and application or measures preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters 6 of 22 What are all tectonic hazards? Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis 7 of 22 What do all tectonic hazards result from? Movement or deformation of the Earth's crust (Dunn et al 2009) 8 of 22 What can success be defined as? 'the accomplishment of an aim or purpose' (Oxford Dictionary) 9 of 22 How can this be applied to management? as a management technique that has achieved its aim - e.g. the regular practice of drills may lead to a reduction in the number of fatalities 10 of 22 Definition of a hazard? 'perceived event with the POTENTIAL to threaten life and property (Whittow 1980) 11 of 22 How is this different to a disaster? a disaster will result in 'serous disruption of the functioning of a community/society' 12 of 22 Vulnerability? A dynamic factor which 'increases the susceptibility of an individual/community to the impacts of a hazard' 13 of 22 Most vulnerable group? Poor people 14 of 22 Why? Lack of options (therefore often live in disaster prone areas) 15 of 22 What does capacity to cope refer to? The ability of various stakeholders using available resources 'to manage adverse conditions, risks or disasters' (Prevention Web) 16 of 22 Through analysing the link between risk, hazard and vulnerability what is it possible to do? Possible to create a link between the effectiveness of management 17 of 22 Why have based report on Parks Model? Due to its usefulness in pointing the different kinds of response needed at particular stages 18 of 22 Through comparing countries what can you do? Can analyse the differing responses on a long and short term scale and how effective differing management is 19 of 22 How do the risk drivers link to this model? They can act as barriers to progress at various stages 20 of 22 Climate change? Will add challenge throughout the whole cycle 21 of 22 Land degradation? Would have a more intense concentrated impact during the short term relief phase 22 of 22
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