UNIT 4C: Powers of Congress

Where are the Powers of Congress laid out in the constitution?
Article I section 8
1 of 10
Name two powers given to Congress in the constitution
power 'to coin money' and 'to provide for the common defence and general welfare of the united states'
2 of 10
How are powers categorised in Congress?
Concurrent and Exclusive.
3 of 10
Name four exclusive powers of the senate. ATIV-P
1. Confirm appointments 2. Ratify treaties 3. Try cases of impeachment 4. Vice president elect if EC is deadlocked
4 of 10
Name three exclusive powers of the HOR (MIP)
1. Initiate money bills. 2. Impeachment 3. Elect president if EC is deadlocked
5 of 10
Name five concurrent powers in Congress LOAWC
1. Pass legislation 2. Override presidents veto 3. Initiate constitutional amendments 4. Declare war 5. Confirm VP
6 of 10
With concurrent powers, what majority is needed to override a presidents veto?
7 of 10
Give an example of a veto'd bill
2016 Congress overrode Obama's veto on families of 9/11 victims suing Saudi Arabia. 97-1 in the senate and 348-77
8 of 10
Name two exclusive powers of the senate
1. Confirming presidential appointments. When Secretary of state Hillary Clinton resigned in 2013 senate needed to confirm John Kerry as replacement (97-3) 2. Power to ratify by 2/3 majority all treaties negotiated by the president..
9 of 10
What treaty was ratified in 2010?
Strategic Arms Reduction.Treaty
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name two powers given to Congress in the constitution


power 'to coin money' and 'to provide for the common defence and general welfare of the united states'

Card 3


How are powers categorised in Congress?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name four exclusive powers of the senate. ATIV-P


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name three exclusive powers of the HOR (MIP)


Preview of the front of card 5
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