What does the Disability Discrimmination Act 1995 aim to do?
It aims to end discrimmination based on disabilitiy.
1 of 6
What does the Race Relations Act 1976 aim to do?
It aims to end discrimmination based on race.
2 of 6
What does the Mental Health Act 1983 aim to do?
It aims to protect people with mental health problems and the public.
3 of 6
What does the Sex Discrimmination Act 1975 aim to do?
It aims to end discrimmination based on sex.
4 of 6
What does the Human Rights Act 1998 aim to do?
To ensure all have basic human rights met.
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What does the NHS Community Care Act 1990 aim to do?
People with chronic illness or in need of long-term care, who would have lived in a state-run institution, would now be able to live either in their own home, with adequate care and support, or in a residential home setting.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does the Race Relations Act 1976 aim to do?
It aims to end discrimmination based on race.
Card 3
What does the Mental Health Act 1983 aim to do?
Card 4
What does the Sex Discrimmination Act 1975 aim to do?