Unit 1 Business 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Business StudiesUnit 1ASEdexcel Created by: millieCreated on: 22-03-14 13:13 Characteristic A personal quality or feature in which a person posseses 1 of 9 Motivation Something in which drives an entrepreneur to start up a business and become successful 2 of 9 Supply The amount a producer is willing to produce or provide at a given price 3 of 9 Demand The amount that consumers are willing to buy at a given price 4 of 9 Autocratic Leader Take top down decisions without consulting employees - very strict and demanding 5 of 9 Paternalistic Leader softer version of autocratic, consult at every level, explain reasons but make the final decisions 6 of 9 Democratic Leader Guide rather than dictate and encourage workers in the decision making process - more friendly 7 of 9 Theory X Manager Assume employees are lazy and dislike work, workers need to be controlled and directed 8 of 9 Theory Y Manager Assume employees enjoy work and are keen, workers take responsibility and decision making is delegated 9 of 9
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