Unit 1 Key words Memory 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? PsychologyMemoryGCSEAQA Created by: Rebecca DickinsonCreated on: 14-05-13 11:34 Encoding Changing information so that it can be stored 1 of 17 Storage Holding information in the memoy system 2 of 17 Retrievel Recovering Information from Storage 3 of 17 Multi-Store The idea that information passes through a serise of memory stores 4 of 17 Sensory Store Holds information recived from the senses for a very short period of time 5 of 17 Short-Term Memory Holds approximately seven chunks of information for a limitated amount of time 6 of 17 Long-Term Memory Holds a vast amount of information for a very long period of time 7 of 17 Reconstructive Memory alerting our recollection of things so that they make more sense to use 8 of 17 Structural Processing Thinking about the physical appearance of words to be learnt 9 of 17 Semantic Processing thinking about the meaning of words to be learnt 10 of 17 Phonetic Proceesing thinking about the amount of words to be learnt 11 of 17 Levels of Processing the depth at which information is thought about when trying to learn it 12 of 17 Interference Things that we have learnt that make it difficlut to recall other information that we have learnt 13 of 17 Context The general setting or environment in which activities happen 14 of 17 Anterograde Amnesia Being unable to remember new information after suffering brain damage 15 of 17 Retrograde Amnesia Loss of memory for events that happened before brain damage occured 16 of 17 Leading Questions A question that hints that a particular type of answer is required 17 of 17
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