Unit 7 Meeting Individual Needs Revise or Else! 3.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Health & Social CareSocial issues and welfare needsA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: P@TCreated on: 04-01-13 18:18 Normalisation Experiences of everyday life 1 of 16 Socialisation Mixing with other groups 2 of 16 Primary First point of contact for care 3 of 16 statutory care provided as a legal requirement 4 of 16 legislation legal 5 of 16 Care provision Services in place to help meet the care needs of people in society 6 of 16 care plan This has different stages, its an important aspect of care delivery. 7 of 16 Advocate speaks on behalf of someone but respects rights. 8 of 16 Respite Temporary care, for example it provides a break for informal carers. 9 of 16 Accountability Responsibility 10 of 16 Culture A collection of values, beliefs, behaviours, languages rituals, rules and customs associated with a particular group. 11 of 16 Caring presence This is being open to the experience of another person through a 'two-way' encounter with that person. 12 of 16 Cover discrimination Hidden discriminatory practice actions or words. 13 of 16 Common Induction Standards These cover all the training needed during the first few weeks working a care setting. 14 of 16 Complex needs These are needs influenced by many inter-related factors. 15 of 16 Being Assertive [Ascertion] This is different from both submission and aggression. It involves being able to negotiate a solution to a problem 16 of 16
Health and Social - Revision Cards on EVERY past paper question available HSC07 - food and fitness 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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