The closure of factories and a decline in the number of people working in the secondary sector.
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Economic sector
a major division of the economy based on the type of economic activity. The economies of all countries are made up of three sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary; most developed countries have a fourth sector (Quaternary).
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Energy consumption
the amount of energy used by individuals, groups of countries
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Energy efficiency
making the most of energy sources in order to cut down on waste and reduce consumption
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Energy gap
a gap in energy supply, created when phasing out the use of fossil fuels in favour of new, low-carbon sources.
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Employment structure
The proportion of workers in a country employed in each sector of the economy
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Foreign Direct Investment
Overseas invesment in by TNCs
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Fossil Fuel
Carbon fuels like : coal, oil and natural gas that cannot be renewed
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Global shift
the movement of manufacturing from developed countries to cheaper production locations in developing or emerging countries
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High - tech industry
economic activities that rely on advanced scientific research and produce new, innovative and technologically advanced products, such as microchips, new medical drugs and new materials. Quaternary sector.
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Primary sector
economic activities concerned with the working of natural resources-agriculture, fishing, mining and quarrying
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Quaternary sector
economic activities that provide highly skilled services such as collecting and processing information, research and development
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Secondary sector
economic activities concerned with making things, such as cars, buildings and electricity
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Economic sector
a major division of the economy based on the type of economic activity. The economies of all countries are made up of three sectors (primary, secondary, tertiary; most developed countries have a fourth sector (Quaternary).
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