Urinary Tract Infection 0.0 / 5 ? NursingUTIUniversityNone Created by: ashleen_1Created on: 19-10-22 13:13 Burning sensation with urination dysuria 1 of 10 The most common, non-specific symptom fever 2 of 10 Pain that increases the probability of a UTI suprapubic 3 of 10 Visible sign of UTI when present with other symptoms haematuria 4 of 10 The strongest risk factor of UTI sexual activity 5 of 10 What can decrease vaginal lactobacilli, which facilitates vaginal Escherichia coli colonisation spermicides 6 of 10 The absence of which hormone increases UTI risk in post-menopausal women oestrogen 7 of 10 indwelling catheter or any foreign body can _ risk of UTI increase 8 of 10 Upset of the genitourinary microbiome can be caused by this antibiotics 9 of 10 Comes from discharge of either pus or blood into the urinary tract cloudy urine 10 of 10
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