Urinary tract infection crossword 0.0 / 5 ? NursingAnatomy and PhysiologyUniversityAll boards Created by: alovell02Created on: 19-10-22 15:33 Passing more urine at night than usual Nocturia 1 of 8 Burning sensation when passing urine Dysuria 2 of 8 Blood in the urine Haematuria 3 of 8 Biggest risk factor of UTI Sexual activity 4 of 8 The absence of which hormone is a risk factor for UTIs Oestrogen 5 of 8 What does urine generally look like when UTI is present? Cloudy 6 of 8 How is a UTI diagnosed? Urinalysis 7 of 8 More frequent urination Polyuria 8 of 8
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