Why is taking a urine sample better than taking a blood sample?
It is easier, quicker, and less invasive.
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What does a pregnancy test detect?
The human embryo produces the hormone hCG- a small glycoprotein which ends up in the female's urine.
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How does a pregnancy test work?
Monoclonal antibodies on test *****- proteins with specific shape- only attach to hCG. Test ***** dipped in urine. hCG in urine attaches to antibody with blue bead. hCG-antibody complex moves up *****, sticks to band of fixed enzymes- makes blue line
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What are anabolic steroids?
They mimic the action of steroid hormones, so promote muscle growth. They are relatively small molecules, so can be filtered out of the blood into the nephron during urine formation.
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Describe the test for anabolic steroids.
Sample is vaporised in presence of a gaseous solvent. Then it's passed down a tube lined with an absorption agent. Each substance present dissolves at a different rate in the solvent, then the lining. The lining is analysed to create a chromatogram.
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Card 2
What does a pregnancy test detect?
The human embryo produces the hormone hCG- a small glycoprotein which ends up in the female's urine.
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