U.S Constitution Quiz

The Articles of confederation were the Compct made between the 13 origional states and formed the basis of their government, but what year was it passed?
1 of 6
In what year did the US Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation?
2 of 6
The US constitution is Codified, but what does this mean?
A Constitution that consists of a full and authorative set of rules written down in a single text.
3 of 6
The amendment process is comprised of two stages. The first stage is known as the preposal. Amendemnts can only be preposed by...
Congress or National Constitutional Convention.
4 of 6
For an ammendment to be passed it must gain two "super majoraties" in both houses. What are these majoraties?
2/3rds majoraty vote in both houses
5 of 6
The second stage of passing an amendment into law is ratification. For a amendment to pass it must be ratified by how many states?
6 of 6

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Card 2


In what year did the US Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation?



Card 3


The US constitution is Codified, but what does this mean?


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Card 4


The amendment process is comprised of two stages. The first stage is known as the preposal. Amendemnts can only be preposed by...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


For an ammendment to be passed it must gain two "super majoraties" in both houses. What are these majoraties?


Preview of the front of card 5
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