USA 1920 - 1973
- Created by: ella.lewis_
- Created on: 17-02-18 20:22
How long did the 'Boom' last for?
From 1920 - 1929.
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What was Isolationism?
Isolationism means not to get involved with European affairs - making USA selfish.
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When was the Republican party in control?
From 1920 - 1932.
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What were tariffs?
Putting taxes on imports made foreign goods more expensive for American’s to buy.
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What was low taxation?
With lower taxes, people would have more money to spend.
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What was the most popular car in the USA at the time?
Ford Model T.
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What did Henry Ford do to decrease production time?
Make an assembly line. One person was assigned to a specific task.
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What were American citizens main aims?
To have a nice house, a good job and plenty of food.
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What were the main industries threatened by the 'boom'?
Coal, textiles and leather workers.
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Why was the radio so popular in the USA?
Radio gave access to music, news etc. 10 million people listened to the radio in USA.
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What was jazz?
Jazz was a new style of music (as well as the blues), young people's new obsession.
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Why did sports become so popular across USA?
People were able to commute to games because of transport.
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What were popular sports in the USA?
Baseball, boxing & football.
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Why was the cinema so popular?
People had a lot more time and money during the boom and became fond of the entertainment industry. Until 1927, all films had been silent and 100 million cinema tickets were being sold each week.
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Why did advertising become so popular?
USA was very rich and had more to buy consumer goods. ('Buy now pay later!')
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What was life like for women during the 1920's?
Some churches tried to keep women in line and still had strict rules. Women who wore revealing dresses, drank and smoked with men became known as flappers. By 1929, 10 million women were in jobs.
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What was prohibition?
The time in America when alcohol was banned from 1920-1933.
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What were 'speakeasies'?
Illegal bars. Over 30,000 speakeasies were in New York alone.
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What were 'bootleggers'?
A term used for people who tried to smuggle alcohol illegally.
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What was 'moonshine'?
A term used for alcohol made at home (many people died from drinking this).
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What were 'gangsters'?
People who made alcohol; Al Capone was a very famous gangster, who, controlled Chicago at one stage (employed 1,000 men as his 'army') and him and his gang killed many people (227 murders in 4 years!).
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What was 'linching'?
When African-American's were beaten and hung (over 300 people were linched).
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Why were American's alarmed at the population increase?
They were worried about the immigrants flooding the country - very different from them.
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How were immigrants viewed?
Uneducated and inferior.
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What happened in 1917?
A new law stated that all immigrants had to take a literacy test.
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What was segregation?
The law that separated the black and the white people.
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What was the KKK?
In 1860 - KKK was formed (had 4.5 million members) and had to aim of keeping white people in control.
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What was the 'red scare'?
Americans were scared of immigrants being communists or bringing ideas of communism to the USA (USA scared of this revolution).
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Why was it called the 'red scare'?
The communist flag was red.
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What was the ladder of whiteness?
White Americans were more important than old immigrants, old immigrants were more important than new immigrants, and new immigrants were more important than African-Americans.
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What was the 'bust'?
The bust was when USA went into the great depression when the crash of the economy in 1929 happened.
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How much did farm production fall by?
Production fell by 40% and wages fell by 60%.
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How many banks had gone bankrupt?
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How many people in USA were unemployed?
14 million were unemployed.
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Why were 238 people admitted to hospital in 1931?
From malnutrition or starvation (45 people died).
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What is meant by the term 'drifters'?
A term used for the people who travelled around with no home to go back to.
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How did Hoover deal with the depression?
Hoover didn't want government to interfere but, as unemployment was rising drastically, Hoover then provided $1.5 million to businesses to recover but people still blamed Hoover for the depression (should have been more direct government action).
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Why did the Veterans riot outside the white house?
Veterans wanted their pension early and so decided to riot outside the white house, Hoover then gave them $100,000 for the cost of their journey home (wasn't enough).
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What did Hoover do to stop the Veterans from rioting?
Called in the army, who used tanks and tear gas to make them leave.
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When was FDR elected?
1932 - very different to Hoover; charismatic, funny, enthusiastic.
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Why was FDR so popular?
He proved to USA that he would help them get out of the great depression.
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When did FDR take to office?
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What did FDR do to help USA?
All altercations, such as introducing the alphabet agencies, were known as the 'new deal'.
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What were the 'Fireside Chats'?
FDR used the radio to communicate with USA, March 1933 - first fireside chat took place.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Isolationism?
Isolationism means not to get involved with European affairs - making USA selfish.
Card 3
When was the Republican party in control?
Card 4
What were tariffs?
Card 5
What was low taxation?
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