USA Depth Studies 1950s-1960s Crash Course 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryUSA Depth StudiesIGCSEEdexcel Created by: ajb12322Created on: 19-04-23 23:51 The 1950s were called a period of consensus 1 of 20 What was consensus culture caused by? The Cold War 2 of 20 The 1950s were considered a "golden age" because of increased access to consumer goods and suburbanization 3 of 20 What are "American values"? individualism; respect for private property; belief in equal opportunity 4 of 20 The Civil Rights Movement is considered as starting in the 1950s because rigid segregation (Jim Crow) and post WWII organizing caused more solidarity movements 5 of 20 What year was Brown v Board of Education? 1954 6 of 20 Brown v Board of Education didn't lead to immediate desegregation in schools because the South engaged in Massive resistance which saw many public schools close and private schools open 7 of 20 What year did Rosa Parks start the Montgomery Bus Boycott? 1955 8 of 20 At 10:41 there is a sign that says "Race Mixing is Communism". Why is this relevant? it shows how consensus culture was dominant 9 of 20 MLK rose to prominence during the Montgomery Bus Boycott and started what organization? Southern Christian Leadership Conference 10 of 20 The 1960s kicked off with sit ins at Greensboro North Carolina Woolsworth stores. Why? segregation was still happening in practice even though it wasn't law 11 of 20 What were the Freedom Rides? desegregated buses which would drive into the South under threat of violence 12 of 20 What year was the March on Washington? 1963 13 of 20 What were some of the demands in "I Have A Dream"? help for the poor, public works, higher minimum wage, ending discrimination in employment 14 of 20 What year was the Civil Rights Act? 1964 15 of 20 What year was the Voting Rights Act? 1965 16 of 20 The Black Power movement started because Black people wanted to have enfranchisement and to end white oppression 17 of 20 The Civil Rights Movement led to movements in what other social areas? Native Americans, Latin, LGBTQ+, anti-war, womens', environmental 18 of 20 Why is 1968 considered the "defining year" of the 1960s? MLK was assassinated; anti-war protests for Tet Offensive; Nixon was elected President 19 of 20 Who was Malcolm X? the leader of the Black Panther Party 20 of 20
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