a document containing a set of rules by which a country is to be governed the first of which is described as the role of congress, the second the president.
1 of 7
what is a federal system and explain the USA's system.
a federal system is a way of separating power between a powerful national government and a smaller local government. in the USA they have 3 branches: legislative/ congress , executive and judiciary
2 of 7
who are USA main political parties, what where there beliefs in 1865.
Republican and Democrats. Republicans favor wealth, industries and smaller government roles and democrats favor more government roles.
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describe the North states.
more population,more states, republicans, industry, banned slavery "free states",more educated and excepted change.
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describe the south states
less population, less states, democrats, less educated and resented change, agriculture ( sugar, cotton and tobacco), supported slavery " slave states"
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what where the effects on the usa due to the civil war.
country was divided between people (emancipation and south), political divide between republicans and democrats, economic divide and a lot of people died
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why was there economic divide
majority of the civil war was fought in southern states, which ruined their farms and affected their agriculture, also black slaves no longer wanted to work thanks to support from the union
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is a federal system and explain the USA's system.
a federal system is a way of separating power between a powerful national government and a smaller local government. in the USA they have 3 branches: legislative/ congress , executive and judiciary
Card 3
who are USA main political parties, what where there beliefs in 1865.
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