USA - 1929 to 2000 - Year that... 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? HistoryThe Cold WarGCSEWJEC Created by: AlexCreated on: 02-01-13 16:29 The Wall Street Crash happened 1929 1 of 6 America joined WW2 - Pearl Harbour 1941 2 of 6 USA detonated atomic bomb 1945 3 of 6 Korean War started 1950 4 of 6 Kennedy was assasinated 1963 5 of 6 the first Gulf War started 1991 6 of 6
A-1 Exhaustive Revision Notes on International Relations: The Era of the Cold War 1943-1991 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended