Home > A Level and IB > History > ussr ; social developments ; education ; state control of curriculum
ussr ; social developments ; education ; state control of curriculum
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 02-05-18 10:33
content of curriculum could be used as which two things by Bs?
instruments social control / propaganda
1 of 168
education could play vital role in transformation of wht?
society / values
2 of 168
why then did gov quickly assert ctrl over curriculum?
suit its purpose
3 of 168
- purpose of the curriculum
4 of 168
education play key role in instilling what in new pop?
socialist values
5 of 168
would help create what new ideal?
'new socialist man' / woman
6 of 168
propaganda could be conveyed to children @ early age to support wht kind of indoctrination?
indoctrination socialist ideas into young minds
7 of 168
education therefore would secure what?
support for party and regime
8 of 168
which would be an important factor of what in the brezhnev / k years?
social stability
9 of 168
soviet education would act as vehicle to attack what?
traditional practices / beliefs
10 of 168
including reducing hold of what over population?
religion / superstition
11 of 168
also could attack patriarchal attitudes and do wat for women?
help their position and status
12 of 168
education would be important method of what?
13 of 168
bringing sense of what to all different ethnic grps?
14 of 168
with policy industrialisation '30s education would allow population to aquire what that was needed in modern economy?
technical skills / expertise
15 of 168
care taken to match growth 2ndary education in '30s to what?
needs of 5yps
16 of 168
in '45-'85 what necessitated constant updating of skills?
need to match up to western technological developments
17 of 168
under k increased emphasis ion development of what?
tech knowledge / skills
18 of 168
19 of 168
as in like all other policy areas early yrs communist rule did marked what that impacted schools?
naive radicalism
20 of 168
education heavily influenced by those that wished for schools to be like wht?
miniature copies of socialist society
21 of 168
principle of single schools for all waht was est?
ages and abilities
22 of 168
despite some in party who wished to set up what kind of schoolss?
separate technical schools
23 of 168
to help match needs of?
developing economyu
24 of 168
in schools teaching was to be delivered according to progressive methods that emphasised what?
play / discovery / group work
25 of 168
children would study what rather than traditional subjects?
themes like farming or nature
26 of 168
what were abolished?
27 of 168
and what was forbidden?
corporal punishment
28 of 168
classrooms renamed what?
'labratories of learning'
29 of 168
and children were to have influential voice in what?
running of heir schools
30 of 168
changes met with some opposition by who
31 of 168
saw academic education with formal quals key to brighter prospects for children
32 of 168
whose authority declined dramatically?
33 of 168
what happened to some?
dismissed by classes
34 of 168
what did manu teachers do with gov orders?
35 of 168
and continue on with what?
lecturing students
36 of 168
why did chaotic situatin grow worse '31-'32?
cultural revolution
37 of 168
and gov became concerned enough to do what?
impose order over school system
38 of 168
as in other social policy areas what thing led to imposition more traditional methods?
stalin's 'great retreat'
39 of 168
in which year
40 of 168
- stalin's ,easures
41 of 168
new system based on what of makarenko's?
pedagogical poem
42 of 168
of which years?
43 of 168
which stressed traditional discipline to ensure what?
individuals knew duty to collective
44 of 168
what were prescribed by gov?
45 of 168
and what two things were reintroduced?
traditional sybjects / formal exams
46 of 168
authority w/in school returned to?
47 of 168
and teaching methods base don what
48 of 168
that required?
mechanical information learning (hmmm, sounds familiar does it not?)
49 of 168
in symbolic move that emphasised tradition what was required for schoolgirls?
50 of 168
51 of 168
from stalin's 'great retreat' '36 on, curriculum was based on what?
traditional subjects
52 of 168
all students regardless of ability studied what?
same curriculum
53 of 168
until when?
last years 2ndary education
54 of 168
subjects delivered by teachers trained by who?
55 of 168
using what?
approved textbooks
56 of 168
what had to happen with information for exams?
memorised then regurgitated
57 of 168
what weren't encouraged even@ kindergarten level?
creativity / free thinking
58 of 168
- among subjects studied
59 of 168
russian lit which involved study of what kind of books?
19th century classics
60 of 168
schools usually offered 1 mfl, which being most popular?
61 of 168
particular attention placed on which two subjects?
maths and science
62 of 168
all subjects influenced by what?
political agenda
63 of 168
but science in stalin era badly affected by who's ideas?
64 of 168
his ideas on what were favoured by stalin?
plant genetics
65 of 168
and became accepted as?
scientific truth
66 of 168
were they even right tho?
no (what a fckn shocker)
67 of 168
what happened to teachers / scientists who pointed that out?
risked gulag
68 of 168
wht subject became political minefield?
69 of 168
and required what before standard history book could be agreed?
stalin's personal intervention
70 of 168
result was publication of which book?
history of the all-union communist party
71 of 168
in what year
72 of 168
book presented official view of wht?
developments under stalin
73 of 168
and to be used for what purposes?
74 of 168
what did this book become known as?
the short course
75 of 168
what did this become meaning whole gen was educated into its views?
required reading
76 of 168
history exams had to be cancelled in what year?
77 of 168
in light of k's revelations about stalin
78 of 168
his de-stalinisation policy led to what?
hurried rewriting of history
79 of 168
wat was the new history text called?
History of the Communist Party
80 of 168
published in which year?
81 of 168
which accused stalin of what?
economic failures
82 of 168
and systematically did what for any favourable connection?
removed stalin's name
83 of 168
credit given who to instead?
party and people instead
84 of 168
in b years who was ignored in ussr history books?
85 of 168
it was as if stalin and which two other things had never existed?
famine of '32 / gulag
86 of 168
use of what also raised controversy?
russian language
87 of 168
all students across soviet union required to learn russian + it was vital for what?
88 of 168
for those who belonged to ethnic minorities what language would other lessons be taught in?
native language
89 of 168
though why work literature works in native language rarely tought?
fear encouraging development nationalist sentiment
90 of 168
schools teaching in russian generally viewed as offering wha?
better education
91 of 168
so non0russian parents did what?
chose for their children
92 of 168
russian speakers in non-russian republics resistant to do what?
learn other native languages
93 of 168
and special arrangements under k did what?
dropped the requirement
94 of 168
emphasis given to what kind of education increased with k's education reforms?
technical / vocational
95 of 168
in what year?
96 of 168
all schools required to provide what?
vocational training
97 of 168
or allow students to do what?
transfer to schools that did offer them
98 of 168
undertaking what became a requirement of going to uni?
'productive economic wokr'
99 of 168
one of k's aims wih these reforms was to do what for the educated?
bring them into closer touch with real life
100 of 168
this was unpopular with students and parents that wished what?
to pursue more academic education
101 of 168
and these reforms dropped when?
when b became leader
102 of 168
thereafter work experience was expected to take place where?
within school workshop / garden
103 of 168
most obvious indoctrination in curriculum was study of what?
Marxist-Leninist Theory
104 of 168
course compulsory in which education levels?
all, even higher
105 of 168
surveys of students from '80s reveal what?
this was most boring part of curriculum
106 of 168
but there was an acceptance it had to be studied and exams passed why?
secure further progress in field
107 of 168
even in kindergrted there were posters and little shrines of who?
'uncle lenin'
108 of 168
after what year did 'uncle stalin' disappear?
109 of 168
children were encouraged to do what around small bust of lenin?
place ribbons round
110 of 168
unlike most education systems no difference in what was offered to which two groups?
boys and girls
111 of 168
only exception to this during which event?
112 of 168
whengov tried to move to system of?
separate girl / boy school
113 of 168
boys were given?
basic military training
114 of 168
and girls?
lessons in nursing
115 of 168
was policiy ever fully applied?
116 of 168
and reverted back to co-ed school in hwat yr?
117 of 168
since '36 stalin's restoration of traditional school gave what back to teachers?
authority for school discipline
118 of 168
yet students also given role as each class had what?
119 of 168
usually elected by?
students (huh, guess the school system was more democratic than the actual ****** government)
120 of 168
whose job was to inform teacher of what?
any misbehaviour by members of class
121 of 168
system that reinforced duties of students to what?
socialism and state
122 of 168
123 of 168
system soviet education well est. by hwat decade?
124 of 168
thereafter changes to system were?
125 of 168
main attempts to bring different emphasis to system were?
krhushchev;s reforms
126 of 168
in what years?
127 of 168
attempts to do which two things saw party opposition?
expand higher and adult education for children of workers / place greater emph on tech and vocational education
128 of 168
who saw them restricting what?
availability of academic education for children of party elite
129 of 168
as result what did b drop?
most controversial changes
130 of 168
and what route remained preferred path to higher education?
high-status academic
131 of 168
like many b policies interest of party overtook interests of?
132 of 168
concerns remained that education needed to keep pace with skills needed to matchwhat?
tech advances in economy
133 of 168
investment in what continued?
adult and higher education
134 of 168
135 of 168
party had structure of how many tiers to cover all ages?
136 of 168
what were for children 5-9?
137 of 168
and organised what kind of gatherings?
138 of 168
where thet learnt what?
nursery rhymes
139 of 168
and played?
simple games
140 of 168
what was for children 10-14?
141 of 168
most children joined undergoing what at school?
initiation ceremony
142 of 168
or where?
purpose-built pioneers' palace (bc nothing's too eccentric for the ussr)
143 of 168
members had to promise to love what?
144 of 168
and follow teachings of?
lenin + communist party
145 of 168
only members allowed to wear uniform of?
red neckerchief and badge of poineers
146 of 168
what did they encourage in school
good behaviour
147 of 168
but also provided activities that did what?
extended range opportunities
148 of 168
particularly true in provision of what kind of activities?
149 of 168
and this went some way to explaining what?
appeal of org
150 of 168
for those aged 14-28 what could they join?
151 of 168
altogether more serious group and seen as essential for progress to where?
party itself
152 of 168
stalin made use of their enthusiasm / dedication to do what?
help carry through key changes
153 of 168
their volunteers had been called upon to do what in 1st 5yps?
build new industrial centres
154 of 168
they were also @ forefront of what?
cultural revolution
155 of 168
taking important role in rooting out?
class enemies
156 of 168
how maby members '29?
157 of 168
how many '40?
158 of 168
in'50s k called on komsomool to provide volunteers for what?
159 of 168
by '80s komsomol activists were expected to support what?
community schemes
160 of 168
they were sometimes asked to report on whose 'deviant' behavioir?
161 of 168
who did what?
vandalised / listened to foreign music
162 of 168
komsomol called upon to physically break up gatherings of young ppl doing what?
listening to unapproved poetry / music
163 of 168
by '82 wha was komsomol mmbshp?
164 of 168
sign that many saw komsomol what?
route to career success
165 of 168
academic standards in which depts suffered bc of restrictions?
humanities and social sciences
166 of 168
but wha emerged as largest scientific-technological intelligensia in '70s?
Academy of Sciences
167 of 168
how many soviet scientists awarded nobel prize for science?
168 of 168
Other cards in this set
Card 2
education could play vital role in transformation of wht?
society / values
Card 3
why then did gov quickly assert ctrl over curriculum?
Card 4
- purpose of the curriculum
Card 5
education play key role in instilling what in new pop?
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