
  • Created by: brodda221
  • Created on: 03-03-24 13:36
product context
2020 10th November
Enhanced- motion picture
Play as a male and female protagonist
Cut scene dynamic visuals
Detailed mise-end scene
Fast rhythmic editing+ music in the trailer
sold more units in its first week than any other game in its series
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historical context
video games started in the 1970
rapid technological growth leads to difficulty in regulating and monitoring the industry
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economic context
three major territories-Japan, USA and Europe
in 2021 the global vidoe games market was valued at $138.4 billion
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production distribution and circulation
production techniques have become increasingly innovative and the industry is more competitive due to an increase in demand
The Assassin creed franchise increases economic liability and establishes a brand identity for the audience
production is part of
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regulation for valhalla
Pegi 18 rating
Graphic and violent
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reasons it was successful
Builds on established franchise
Committed fan base
Active participation on online forums
Lots of videos on twitch and YouTube to help increase awareness
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Livingstone and Lunt theory- convergence and diversification
New technology opens up new opportunities and therefore new risks that complicate regulation
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Hesmondhalgh theory-minimising risk
genre formatting-audiences know what to expect
franchise model gives the games anticipation and buzz before it is released making is sell better
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how does the Ubisoft approach reach, address and contact audiences
A fan community already exists due to it being a franchise which will be used to market the game
distributed over different media platforms to target a diverse audience
games within the franchise have broadened their audiences like female protagonists
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consider the relationship between media technologies and patterns of consumption
different platforms increase audience consumption
more complete and satisfying experience, which is only possible from digital convergence and buying into the value of the exclusive content
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bandura theory- the idea that the media can directly 'implant' ideas into the mind of audiences.
PEGI 18 rating
violent games can encourage imitation such as the Bobo doll experiment where children re-enacted what they saw and attacked the doll, and this could apply to Valhalla and assassins creed
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Fandom Henry Jenkins
significance of fan culture and online fan communities
social experiences
Harsh critics can often impact the development of specific games
video games are interactive
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Card 2


historical context


video games started in the 1970
rapid technological growth leads to difficulty in regulating and monitoring the industry

Card 3


economic context


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Card 4


production distribution and circulation


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Card 5


regulation for valhalla


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