Vaughan Williams Revision 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ejweighellCreated on: 20-01-22 12:51 One syllable per note Syllabic 1 of 20 A scale using 5 notes Pentatonic 2 of 20 The fifth mode of a major scale which uses the notes G-G Mixolydian 3 of 20 The term given to 'movement' that follows the same direction Parallel 4 of 20 The term often meaning 'clash' Dissonance 5 of 20 The German word for song Lieder 6 of 20 A collection of songs was called a.... Song Cycle 7 of 20 A term given to describe a string technique that involves more than one note being played at the same time. Double Stopping 8 of 20 A term given to describe a string technique which has the effect of shimmering. Tremolo 9 of 20 The term given to a long held note or repeated note Pedal 10 of 20 The type of voice used in these pieces Tenor 11 of 20 The name given to the type of ensemble this piece is scored for Piano Quintet 12 of 20 The name given to music that uses a different melody for each verse Through Composed 13 of 20 The term given to a melody which moves by step Conjunct 14 of 20 The term given to harmony that has un-explained sharps and flats Chromatic 15 of 20 The term used to tell a string player to play with the bow? Arco 16 of 20 What term is used to tell the pianist to release the soft pedal? Tre Corde 17 of 20 Which abbreviated term is written to ask performers to play with mutes? Con Sord 18 of 20 What was the christian name of Vaughan Williams? Ralph 19 of 20 Who wrote the original text for On Wenlock Edge? Housman 20 of 20
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