Victims of crime quiz victims of crime 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelAQA Created by: SophieCreated on: 17-06-12 20:32 Who defines victims as 'those who have suffered harm through acts that violate the laws of the state' the UN 1 of 6 Who takes a different approach, saying that 'victim' is socially constructed,and that the media favour a stereotype of victims as 'weak'?' Christie 2 of 6 Who identified 13 characteristics of victims, such as they are likely to be females,elderly or mentally subnormal? Von Hentig 3 of 6 An example of positivist victimology is that Marvin Wolfgang conducted a study of 588 homocides in Philadelphia. He found that 26% involved what? Victim Precipitation 4 of 6 Critical victimology is based on conflict theories such as Marxism & Feminism - true or false? True 5 of 6 Critical victimology focuses on 2 elements. The first is structural factors. What can this include? Patriarchy & Poverty 6 of 6
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