Vietnam Revision

  • Created by: bella
  • Created on: 31-05-13 12:11
Viet Minh
Strong anti-Japanese force. Led by Ho Chi Minh (communist). Ho Chi Minh pushed the Japnese out and he ruled the North of Vietnam
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Indochina = Vietnam before WW2, ruled by French. In 1954 Vietnam became independent of France
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Why America Got Involved
Ho Chi Minh wanted to control whole of Vietnam & declare independance but the French wanted their country back = war. America wanted to stop communism spreading so began pumping money into French war effort.
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Geneva Conference (1954)
Peace conference held in Geneva and the country was divided into North and South Vietnam after France pulled out of war until elections could be held to decide it's future.
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1954 USA election
In 1954 the USA prevented the elections from taking place as it feared that communists would win
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1955 Diem
In 1955 the Americans helped Ngo Dinh Diem to set up the republic of south Vietnam. He was anti-communist and was prepared to exile/imprison communists.
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November 1963
Diem overthrown by his own Army leaders
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Opposition to South Vietnam
The actions of the South Vietnamese governments increased opposition among ordinary people and Buddhist priests. They pushed peasants towards the communists.
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National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam
communist led, set up in December 1960, usually referred to as the Viet Cong, included large numbers of Communist North Vietnamese taking their orders from Ho Chi Minh. Set up by Viet Minh.
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Ho Chi Minh Trail
North Vietnam created Ho chi Minh Trial to carry supplies to the South in 1959
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Kennedy sent around 16,00 "advisers" to help organise South Vietnamese troops. !962 - Kennedy sent Advisers/military personnel to fight Viet Cong.
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Kennedy assassinated
new president Lyndon Johnson, more prepared than Kennedy to commit the USA to a full scale conflict.
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Gulf Of Tonkin
August 1964, North Vietnamese Patrol Boats open fired on US ships in Gulf on Tonkin, US Congress passed the Gulf on Tonkin Resolution giving Johnson power to take "all necessary measures to prevent further aggression and achieve peace and security"
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March 8th 1965
3,000 USmarinescame ashore at Da Nang. America was at war in Vietnam.
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Card 2


Indochina = Vietnam before WW2, ruled by French. In 1954 Vietnam became independent of France



Card 3


Ho Chi Minh wanted to control whole of Vietnam & declare independance but the French wanted their country back = war. America wanted to stop communism spreading so began pumping money into French war effort.


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Card 4


Peace conference held in Geneva and the country was divided into North and South Vietnam after France pulled out of war until elections could be held to decide it's future.


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Card 5


In 1954 the USA prevented the elections from taking place as it feared that communists would win


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