Vietnam War Revision Cards
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- Created by: Go
- Created on: 24-05-15 19:40
Give the first 2 points on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.
1. Vietnam had been a colony of Fr before being occupied by the Japanese in WW2 (who treated the Vietnamese in a brutal way). 2. Ho Chi Minh set up the Vietminh to fight the Japanese.
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Give the 3rd point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.
3. When Japan was defeated + WW2 ended the Fr returned to claim territory. -SO- Ho Chi Minh + his Communist supporters aimed to fight for independence.
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Give the 4th point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.
4. Ho Chi Minh organised the Vietcong to drive out the Fr who left in 1954. The USA had been supporting the Fr with advisors + weapons.
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Give the 5th point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.
5. When Vietnam became independent of Fr. It was divided in 2 - the Communist N.Vietnam (looked after by the USSR) + the democratic S.Vietnam with a capitalist govt.
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What were the 3 reasons why USA got involved involved in Vietnam?
1. Domino Theory 2. Containment 3. Gulf of Tonkin incident.
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Which President believed the Domino Theory?
President Eisenhower.
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What was the Domino Theory?
If one country was in South East Asia fell to communism the rest would follows suit like a pack of dominoes.
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What was the policy of Containment?
A policy aimed at containing the influence of communism and keep it from expanding.
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What happened at the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?
N.Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked the US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin.
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What were the main four events of the Vietnam War?
1. Operation Rolling Thunder. 2. Mai Lai Massacre. 3. Tet Offensive. 4. Vietnamisation.
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What was Operation Rolling Thunder? (As in a main event of the Vietnam War).
This was the bombing raid on N.Vietnam. The USA decided to try to destroy the Ho Chi Min trail by bombing it. More bombs were dropped then in all of WW2 but the supply line remained.
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What was the Ho Chi Minh trail?
The Ho Chi Minh Trail was not just one trail but a series of trails. The Ho Chi Minh Trail was used by the North Vietnamese as a route for its troops to get into the South. They also used the trail as a supply route – for weapons, food + equipment.
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What was the Mai Lai Massacre?
In March 1968. As part of a search + destroy mission Charlie Company was sent to Mai Lai. They were told that the Vietcong were hiding in the village. When the got there they found mostly women, children + old people but they shot them anyway.
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What happened when people in the USA discovered what happened at Mai Lai?
People in the USA were horrified. Charlie Company were originally sent to court + then let off. Only one officer Lieutenant William Calley (who led the US unit at My Lai) was found guilty.
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What happened at the Tet Offensive?
In January 1968. Vietcong troops attacked about 100 cities + other military targets openly. US forces had to fight hard to regain control. The Vietcong hoped the SV people would support them, this didn't happen.
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What were USA shocked about in the Tet Offensive?
USA were shocked that they couldn't defeat the North ietnam Army in open.
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What did the US leaders think before and after the Tet Offensive?
BEFORE - US leaders were convinced that they could win the war. AFTER - it became clear it would take more troops (+ so more casualties) to win military victory.
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What was Vietnamisation?
*NEW* President Nixon wanted to get out of the war. So he decided to train the S.Vietnamese so they could fight the Vietcon themselves. It FAILED + Vietnam fell to the communists.
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Name 2 of the Vietcong's tactics.
They used guerilla tactics: 1. They didn't fight in open warfare but there aim was to wear down the enemy by using a) booby traps b) ambushes c) sabotage d) snipers. 2. They used the local terrain, tunnels or the jungle to hide.
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Name another 2 of the Vietcong's tactics.
3. They lived amongst civilians for protection. 4. NVA were well orgranised + well supplied with weapons by USSR + China. They didn't wear uniforms (which made it difficult to seperate fighters from innocent civilians).
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Name 1 of the Vietcong's tactics.
5. They operated in small groups, attacked + disappeared into the jungle down a network of tunnels.
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What were the USA's tactics?
1. Operation Rolling Thunder. 2. Chemical Weapons. 3. Search and Destroy.
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What happened during Operation Rolling Thunder?
This was one of the USA's tactics. A list of North Vietnam Army targets were drawn up + heavily bombed.
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What were chemical weapons that the USA used during the Vietnam War?
This was one of the USA's tactics. USA developed powerful weapons like Agent Orange + Napalm. It destroyed crops + burnt skin.
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What was Search and Destroy?
This was one of the USA's tactics. US troops would go to a village + destroy any Vietcong force. They would then strategic villages. This made them very unpopular with local civilians.
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List the reasons why the USA lost + left the Vietnam War.
1. They failed to win the hearts + minds of the South Vietnamese people. 2. There was low morale + belief. 3. Protest. 4. Vietcong tactics.
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How did the USA failing to win the hearts of the South Vietnamese people contribute to them losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
All of the folling made the US unpopular: a) Large number of civilian casualties. b) Napalm + Agent Orange c) Search + Destroy d) The Vietcong treated peasants with respect.
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How did the USA having low morale + belief contribute to them losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
a) Most US soldiers were poor + drafted. They had no experience. b) They didn't know why they were fighting. c) Many tried drugs. d) Fighting between the soldiers + officiers was widespread.
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How else did the USA having low morale + belief contribute to them losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
e) Vietcong were fighting on home soil to protect their homeland.
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How did the media contribute to the USA losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
a) First televided war. b) Pictures were shown arround the world, Mai Lai massacre, victims of Napalm + dead soldiers. c) This turned public opinion against the war.
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Why did the media not have a big effect on the US people on the Vietnam War?
d) Its effect on USA may have been limited since only 76/2300 TV broadcasts showed negative viewpoints.
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How did protests contribute to the USA losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
a) Massive protests against the war came from many areas of US society. b) Students were unhappy - they burnt US flag+ draft cards. c) Protests became more violent, in 1970 students were shot dead. This angered the general public.
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How did the tactics of the Vietcong contribute to the USA losing + leaving the Vietnam War?
a) Vietcong guerillas were very skilful soldiers. They didn't fight in open warfare, but used tactics like sudden raids + ambuses. They didn't were uniforms + often operated in small groups. US troops weren't used to fighting in the jungle.
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What happened at tthe end of the Vietnam War?
After Vietnamisation was started, Nixon began peace negotiations + in 1973 the USA withdrew. Two years later Vietnam fell to communism.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Give the 3rd point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.
3. When Japan was defeated + WW2 ended the Fr returned to claim territory. -SO- Ho Chi Minh + his Communist supporters aimed to fight for independence.
Card 3
Give the 4th point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.

Card 4
Give the 5th point on the background of Vietnam before the Vietnam War.

Card 5
What were the 3 reasons why USA got involved involved in Vietnam?

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