Linked with Aristotle. Defines 'the good life' and what sort of a person one should be.
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What is Eudemonia?
Flourishing. Cultivating the moral virtues of good character.
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What are the Moral Virtues?
Dispositions of character, developed until they are deeply entrenched into the person's character.
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What is the Golden Mean?
The right average between the two moral vices.
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What are the two extremes of moral vices?
Excess and Deficiency.
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What is Phronesis
The ability of easily/naturally/automatically/effortlessly acting virtously, in a regular/predictable way, with no recourse to any formal decision making procedure.
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How is the Phronesis -> Golden Mean -> Eudemonia achieved?
Developed over time, with training and practice.
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How can Virtuous Role Models help in achieving Phronesis etc.?
Reminder to what can be achieved from a life of virtue. An example of how one should behave in order to be virtuous.
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Card 2
What is Eudemonia?
Flourishing. Cultivating the moral virtues of good character.
I like your definitions: they're simple and easy to understand (although I do know the words already)... Might want to spell 'Eudemonia' as 'Eudaimonia'... but, anyway. I liked it. Nice. :)