In signal detection theory, what does the detectability d' measure?
1 of 31
What is a contrast sensitivity function and how is it measured?
2 of 31
One popular hypothesis is that spatial frequency channels underlie a Fourier-like analysis of the visual scene. Describe one set of experiments that support this hypothesis.
3 of 31
Why does the retinal position of a stimulus affect our perception of flicker?
4 of 31
What is optic flow? What is the focus of a flow field?
5 of 31
What is meant by the terms adaptive and plastic when aplied to the vestibulo-ocular reflex?
6 of 31
What is the motion after effect?
7 of 31
What are the 3 perceptional dimensions of colour and how are they roughly related to the reflectance profile of an object?
8 of 31
What are illusory contours?
9 of 31
Name and describe 4 forms of perceptual constancies.
10 of 31
What is Fechner's Law?
11 of 31
What is a contrast sensitivity curve? How does multiple sclerosis, cataracts, mild and severe amblyopia affect this curve?
12 of 31
Describe 2 oculomotor cues to depth perception.
13 of 31
Name 3 methods for presenting three-dimensional images to subjects. Describe how one of these methods works?
14 of 31
Name 2 distinct forms of colour blindness. What colours are confused or misrepresented in each case?
15 of 31
What is the binding problem and how does the Feature Integration Theory propose to solve it?
16 of 31
What is synesthesia? Describe 2 distinct forms of synesthesia.
17 of 31
Name 5 factors that influence retinal image quality.
18 of 31
What is optic flow? How does our perception of optic flow change with age?
19 of 31
What is the method of Constant Stimuli? Name one advantage and disadvantage of this method.
20 of 31
Name 5 factors that influence visual sensitivity.
21 of 31
What are the 2 main reasons we purposely move our eyes? What are the 3 main types of eye movements involved in gaze holding?
22 of 31
The saccadic signal of an ocular motor neuron has the form of a step-pulse. What does the height of the step and the height of the pulse denote.
23 of 31
What is the barber pole illusion?
24 of 31
What is the Wagon-Wheel effect and why does it occur?
25 of 31
What effect does the emission profile of a light source have on the perception of colour?
26 of 31
What are chromatic aberrations and how does the human eye minimise such aberrations?
27 of 31
What are smooth pursuit eye movements? Why can't you make smooth pursuit eye movements to imaginary targets?
28 of 31
What is the optokinetic reflex?
29 of 31
What is Synesthesia?
30 of 31
What is meant by the term 'colour-defective' and how is it tested for clinically?
31 of 31
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a contrast sensitivity function and how is it measured?
Card 3
One popular hypothesis is that spatial frequency channels underlie a Fourier-like analysis of the visual scene. Describe one set of experiments that support this hypothesis.
Card 4
Why does the retinal position of a stimulus affect our perception of flicker?
Card 5
What is optic flow? What is the focus of a flow field?
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