Visual Neurophys
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- Created by: SAhmed
- Created on: 03-05-17 13:59
Describe with aid of a drawing the laminar organisation of the primate LGN
1 of 34
Compare/contrast the receptive fields of simple and complex cells in primate V1.
2 of 34
With the aid of a simple diagram, describe how orientation and ocular dominance are represented in the macaque primary visual cortex.
3 of 34
How do the receptive field properties of cells in the cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs of primate layers 2/3 of V1 differ from those surrounding the CO blobs?
4 of 34
Describe one set of experiments that demonstrate the role of area MT in visual processing
5 of 34
What are thought to be the main roles of visual area V4?
6 of 34
Describe/contrast the receptive fields of cells in cortical areas LIP and the inferotemporal cortex.
7 of 34
What are spherical aberrations and how does the human eye minimize such aberrations?
8 of 34
Define the purkinje shift and explain how it comes about?
9 of 34
What is the Rayleigh criterion?
10 of 34
What is the absolute threshold. How do most normal psychometric functions differ from one with an absolute threshold?
11 of 34
What is a Forced Choice Procedure? What is the main advantage of this procedure and what is the threshold for a five-alternative forced choice procedure and why?
12 of 34
In signal detection theory what effect does the choice of the decision criterion (β) have in terms of hits and misses? What criterion would you think it best to adopt if as an optometrist you were examining a patient for a retinal tear?
13 of 34
In clinical practice what does the sensitivity of a test mean?
14 of 34
What is Weber’s law and when does it start to break down for the detection of a light?
15 of 34
Define spatial summation, critical diameter, and Ricco’s law.
16 of 34
. Describe the differences in temporal processing between scotopic and photopic vision
17 of 34
Define FOUR forms of masking that can influence the critical flicker frequency of a subject.
18 of 34
Diving birds are able to streamline their wings moments before entering the water. How do they know when they will hit the surface of the water?
19 of 34
What is meant by the term critical flicker frequency? Name FOUR factors that influence critical flicker frequency.
20 of 34
What does biological motion detection refer to?
21 of 34
Why is it that when you start to wear corrective lenses of a new strength it is more difficult to keep a target fixated while moving your head? Why is this only a temporary problem?
22 of 34
What is the phenomenon of circular vection? How does this phenomenon relate to the vestibular and optokinetic systems?
23 of 34
What is the aperture problem in motion perception? How do higher cortical areas solve this problem?
24 of 34
What is apparent motion? Under what circumstances is it observed?
25 of 34
What is meant by the term Horopter in binocular vision? What is Panum’s fusional area and how do crossed and uncrossed horizontal disparities relate to the horopter?
26 of 34
Describe FIVE monocular cues to depth perception.
27 of 34
Describe FIVE classical Gestalt principles of grouping.
28 of 34
What is the Moon Illusion? Why is it thought to occur?
29 of 34
What is colour constancy? What processes must be involved in this phenomenon and how can they be fooled?
30 of 34
Describe the Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory of colour vision. Name one set of coloured observations that this theory is capable of accounting for and one it fails to account for?
31 of 34
What is the McCollough effect and how is it induced in a subject?
32 of 34
What is the difference between parallel and serial search?
33 of 34
Use a simple sketch to describe the layers of the retina.
34 of 34
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Compare/contrast the receptive fields of simple and complex cells in primate V1.
Card 3
With the aid of a simple diagram, describe how orientation and ocular dominance are represented in the macaque primary visual cortex.

Card 4
How do the receptive field properties of cells in the cytochrome oxidase (CO) blobs of primate layers 2/3 of V1 differ from those surrounding the CO blobs?

Card 5
Describe one set of experiments that demonstrate the role of area MT in visual processing

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