How can the Seven States of Tension be used to enhance voice in rehearsal?
Explores the amount of tension and emotion in the scene
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What are the seven states of tension?
Exhausted/Jellyfish, Laid Back/Californian, Neutral, Alert, Suspense, Passionate, Tragic
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What is Stichomythia?
A series of one line exchanges
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How can Sticomythia be used to enhance voice in rehearsal?
Used to increase tension and discover power through voice
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When might you use Chorus in the rehearsal process?
In scenes with the Journey Men or the Grandmother
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They act as commentators to the narrative
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How could you explore with the concept of the chorus?
Play around with who delivers the line/multiple speakers, repetition, echo, canon, volume and pace
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What is line deconstruction?
Removing certain words from lines
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How would this be effective?
Actors would concentrare upon how they deliver and react to the KEY words
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How would you use soundscape in a rehearsal?
Half of the actors in the scene provide sound effects for the scene (e.g clapping, stomping)
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How could soundscapes be used to enhance Woyzeck's character?
Allows the actor to experiment with Woyzeck hearing voices and sounds
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Whose concept is 'Actioning Text?'
Rudolf Laban
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What is Actioning Text?
An actor speaks aloud their movement with their lines
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How could this enhance the voice in the process of rehearsal?
Allows the actor to equate their line with their movement - understand the situation
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What is Choral Speech?
The company of actors speak as one, in cannon or in soundscape
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How could this enahce the voice in the process of rehearsal?
Allows them to explore how they sound, their rhythm and pace
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Whose concept is Rhythm and Ritualism?
Antonin Artaud
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What is Rhythm and Ritualism?
Experimentation with beats and rhythm to build tension or create atmosphere of repetition/unity/conformity
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Whose concept is the Choral Line?
Jacques LeCoq
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What is the Choral Line?
The actors stand in line and whisper the lines up and down the lion to the actor in front/behind, the line gets longer as you add more actors. As does the volume and intensity through repetition
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How could this be used effectively in rehearsals?
Allows the company to respond to each other's vocal energy
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Whose concept is the one handed conversation?
Rudolf Laban
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What is the one handed conversation?
Actors must action their text using only one hand to gesture
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Why might this be useful for the development of voice in rehearsal?
Forcing them to emphasise and be expressive with their voices
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How can the Seven States of Tension be used to enhance voice in rehearsal?
Explores the amount of tension and emotion in the scene
Card 3
What are the seven states of tension?
Card 4
What is Stichomythia?
Card 5
How can Sticomythia be used to enhance voice in rehearsal?
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