Involuntary Manslaugher

What is the key case for gross negligence manslaughter?
1 of 23
What must the D owe to the V?
duty of care
2 of 23
what case established that doctors owe patients a duty of care?
3 of 23
What case said that landlords owe tenants a duty of care?
4 of 23
What case said a duty of care is owed when D and V are both complicit in a crime?
5 of 23
What case is used to demonstrate breach of duty?
Nettleship v Weston
6 of 23
The jury must decide whether there was a .... .. .....
Risk of death
7 of 23
What case said only a risk of death would be sufficient?
Misra and Strivastava
8 of 23
What case defined gross as going beyond a matter of mere compensation and shows such a disregard for life and safety is amounts to a crime?
9 of 23
AG Reference (No.3 of 1994)(1998) defines which voluntary manslaughter
Unlawful Act Manslaughter
10 of 23
Which cases say there must be an unlawful act?
Franklin Lamb
11 of 23
Which case said omissions are sufficient?
12 of 23
Which case said a sober and reasonable person would see that your act is at risk of some harm?
13 of 23
What must the unlawful act be?
14 of 23
Which case demonstrated that act doesn't have to be aimed at the D?
15 of 23
Which case said the act can be aimed at property?
16 of 23
Which cases said that when assessing the risk of harm the jury must imagine they have knowledge D had or should have had?
Dawson Watson
17 of 23
The unlawful, dangerous act must be the ..... .. .....
cause of death
18 of 23
Which case said the act doesn't have to be actual cause of death?
Corion Augustie
19 of 23
Which case said a novus actus can break the chain of causation?
20 of 23
In AG Ref (No4 of 1980)(1982) is was said that when there are ........ ...... any one could be the cause
multiple causes
21 of 23
What case said that the D doesn't have to realise their act was unlawful?
Newbury and Jones
22 of 23
What must the D have the mens rea for?
unlawful act
23 of 23

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What must the D owe to the V?


duty of care

Card 3


what case established that doctors owe patients a duty of care?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What case said that landlords owe tenants a duty of care?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What case said a duty of care is owed when D and V are both complicit in a crime?


Preview of the front of card 5
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