von Bulow's Reforms

The reforms and events that occured under von Bulow Chancellory in the second Reich.

  • Created by: James
  • Created on: 02-11-09 16:00
Between which years was von Bulow the German Chancellor?
1 of 8
Sammlungspolitik literally mean what?
Politics of concentration.
2 of 8
The Bulow Bloc, the product of Sammlungspolitik, united various parties against which movement?
the socialist movement
3 of 8
Weltpolitik resulted in what?
the build-up of the armed forces
4 of 8
The first navy law planned to see the creation of how many battleships in 20 years?
5 of 8
In which year was the Old Age and Invalidity Law amended?
6 of 8
The 1903 amendment to the Sickness Insurance Law, saw workers recieve help for how many weeks?
7 of 8
In 1908 a law was passed to say that children under what age could not work?
13 years
8 of 8

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Card 2


Sammlungspolitik literally mean what?


Politics of concentration.

Card 3


The Bulow Bloc, the product of Sammlungspolitik, united various parties against which movement?


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Card 4


Weltpolitik resulted in what?


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Card 5


The first navy law planned to see the creation of how many battleships in 20 years?


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