Voting Behaviour

  • Created by: Fionaa512
  • Created on: 19-11-18 20:07
Region: Percentage of Conservative votes in Southern regions compard to Labour votes in Southern in 2017?
C:54% L:53
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What are the Labour heartlands?
North east England and South Wales
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Ethnicity: How many votes from the minority did the conservatives and labour get in 2010?
C: 1MIL (first time) L: 1.6
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Ethnicity: Figures of how Hindu and Sikh's favoured the Conservatives in 2010
8% points adavantage over Labour. 49% voted for cons, 41% lab
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Ethnicity: What is the change in votes of BME for the Conservatives
1997: 18% 2017:21%
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Ethnicity: What is the change in votes of BME for Labour
1997: 70% 2017:65%
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Ethnicity: What statistics show the increased support of Hindu and Sikh voters for the Conservatives
Conservatives had an 8% point advantage in the 201 (49%-41%)
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Partisanship: what percentag of people said they identififes very strongly with a party pre 1960 compared to 2015
1964: 48% 2015:17%
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Partisanship: By how much had labour membership increased by the 2015 election?
200k to 500k
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Partisanship: Statistic showing the increase in votes for the SNP
2005: 400k 2017: 1M
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Partisanship: Increase in SNP membership
increased from 61k 2014 to 125.5k August 2018
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Gender: gender difference in vote for labour
2015 both 43%
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Gender: gender different in vote for Conservatives
Men: 45% Women: 39%
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Gender+ Age: % of female 18-24 who voted for labout compared to 65+ females?
2017: 18-24= 63% 65+= 27%
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Gender + Age: % of male 18-24 who voted for conservatives compared to 65+ males?
2017: 18-22=20% 65+= 60%
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Gender: gender differencence in electorate
W: 52% M:48%
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Age: how many more points are voters to get to vote for conservatices every 10 years older they are?
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Age: increase in green votes among 19-24 years olds
2015: 8%
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Age: differnce in t/o of 70+ to 18-19
2017: 70+=84% 18-19=54%
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Age: % of 70+ v 18-19 who voted for the Labour and Conservatives
2017: 70+ 69% for conseratives 18-19 66% for labour
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Class: why waht % is labour behind amongst Am B C voters as a group anf C2,D and E voters
ABC 4%, C2 D E voters 2%
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Class: Stats that show class dalingment among DE voters since pre 1970
1964: 64% 2017: 59%
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Class: Stats that show class dalingment among AB voters since pre 1970
1964: 78% 2017: 43%
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Class: Liberal democrats share of AB votes in 2015
2015: 12%
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the Labour heartlands?


North east England and South Wales

Card 3


Ethnicity: How many votes from the minority did the conservatives and labour get in 2010?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Ethnicity: Figures of how Hindu and Sikh's favoured the Conservatives in 2010


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Ethnicity: What is the change in votes of BME for the Conservatives


Preview of the front of card 5
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