Groups that tries to defend the rights of people in society and look after their sectional interest. Well resourced, financed, organised and connected. E.G. NUT, BMA, NFU.
1 of 8
Define Cause Group
Groups that seeks advance in a particular area. Open to all in society and selfless. E.G. RSPCA, Amnesty International.
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Define Insider Group
Groups that is regularly consulted by the government and has insider access. Can be core, specialist or peripheral insiders. E.G. BMA, NUT.
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Define Outsider Group
Groups that either do not want or are unable to attain insider status. Typically promotional groups. Three types; potential,, ideological and outsiders by necessity. E.G. Fathers4Justice and Plane Stupid.
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What is direct action?
Direct action is where pressure groups act out what the government has refused to do/listen to. Can be linked with ecotage and often the 'tyranny of the minority'. Forces the government to listen.
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What is a new social movement?
Loosely organised but sustained campaign in support of a social goal. E.G. Social media and convergence is why they can emerge. E.G. #JeSuisCharlie #handsupdontshoot
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What are 3 reasons as to why some pressure groups can maintain insider status and others cannot?
Leverage (BMA), Expertise (Terrance Higgins Trust), Social Change (Stonewall)
7 of 8
What are 2 issues with the sectional/cause group typology?
1. Problems with classification - some groups may be both sectional and cause. 2. Most people assume that sectional is stronger than cause.
8 of 8
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define Cause Group
Groups that seeks advance in a particular area. Open to all in society and selfless. E.G. RSPCA, Amnesty International.
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