Voting figures 2008/2012 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsUSA voter behaviourA2/A-levelAQA Created by: HarryCreated on: 06-06-14 11:32 Black vote for Democrats in 2012 96% 1 of 15 Hispanic vote for Democrats in 2012 71% 2 of 15 Male vote in 2012 Republican 52% Democrat 45% 3 of 15 Female vote in 2012 Democrat 55% Republican 44% 4 of 15 Age 18-29 vote in 2012 Democrat 60% Republican 37% 5 of 15 Age 45-59 vote in 2012 Republicans 52% Democrats 47% 6 of 15 Age 60+ vote in 2012 Republican 56% Democrat 44% 7 of 15 North-East vote in 2008 Democrat 59% Republican 40% 8 of 15 Midwest vote in 2008 Democrat 54% Republican 44% 9 of 15 South vote in 2008 Republican 54% Democrat 45% 10 of 15 West Vote in 2008 Democrat 57% Republican 40% 11 of 15 Protestant vote in 2012 Republicans 69% Democrat 30% 12 of 15 Catholic vote in 2012 Democrat 50% Republican 48% 13 of 15 Jewish vote in 2012 Democrat 69% Republican 30% 14 of 15 First timers vote in 2008 Democrat 69% Republican 30% 15 of 15
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