war 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesPeace and ConflictGCSEAQA Created by: 11turneraCreated on: 24-04-16 14:36 the believe of people the refuse to take part in war or violence pacifism 1 of 10 type of weapon of mass distuction begining with N nuclear 2 of 10 a war that the church deems acceptable must fit rules just war 3 of 10 fighting for religious cause holy war 4 of 10 the world group that is a team united nations 5 of 10 where all world leaders meet earth summit 6 of 10 organisation to prevent war in europe NATO 7 of 10 who came up with the just war theroy thomas aquinas 8 of 10 what is the charity red cross they helps victims of war 9 of 10 name a victim of war children 10 of 10
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