Wars of the Roses: Battles 1450 - 1499 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWars of the RosesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: 12barkeraCreated on: 02-06-19 18:28 1455 Yorkist victory and saw the death of Somerset. St Albans 1 of 16 1459 Yorkist victory and Lord Audley intercepted them Blore Heath 2 of 16 1459 Lancastiran victory in which many yorkist forces deserted and then retreated by the morning. Ludford Bridge 3 of 16 1460 yorkist victory - Buckingham died after Lord Grey switched sides mid battle Northampton 4 of 16 1460 Lancastian victory which saw the death of York after leaving his stronghold and attacking the lancastria army that was twice the size of his own. Wakefield 5 of 16 Yorkist victory - after edward became aware of Lancastiran forces in Wales he chnaged direction and routed them out. Mortimer's Cross 6 of 16 1461 Lancastrian victory as they managed to attack Richard's army before Edward could bcak him up. St Albans 7 of 16 1461 Yorkist victory as they had an advantage due to poor weather conditions for the Lancastrians Towton 8 of 16 Yorkist Victory where Lancastrian forces fled, leaving Ralph Percy's forces to be easily defeated Hedegley Moor 9 of 16 1464 Yorkist Victory as they charged down a hill and crushed Lancastrian forces, excecuting their leaders (Somerset). Hexham 10 of 16 1469 Lancastiran Victory which caused the death of Yorkist leaders (Pembroke and Devon) and the capture of Edward IV Edgecote Moor 11 of 16 1470 Yorkist Victory where the rebels shed their coats to flee more quickly. Edward back in charge Losecoat Field 12 of 16 1471 Yorkist Victory. death of Warwick after a forced battle. Barnet 13 of 16 1471 Yorkist victory due to the death of Edward (prince of Wales), capture of Queen Margaret and execution of Somerset Tewkesbury 14 of 16 1485 Henry Tudor victory. Lord Stanley and brother switched sides to fight for Henry as he challenged RIII for his position. Richard III killed. Bosworth 15 of 16 1487 Tudor victory and the death of John de la Pole. ended the impersonations by capturing Simnel and destroying the Yorkist faction. Stoke 16 of 16
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