An assemblage of interrelated parts that work together by way of some driving force
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Isolated system
No interactions with anything outside the boundary
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Closed system
Have transfer of energy into the system but not transfers of matter
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Open system
Where both energy and matter are transferred across the boundary
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Dynamic equilibrium
Where there is a balance between inputs and outputs
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Positive feedback
Where the effects of an action are amplified
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Negative feedback
Where the effects of an action are nullified
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Water stores
Oceanic, cryospheric, terrestrial, atmospheric
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Drainage basin
An area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. It includes water found on the surface, in the soil and near its geology. They are separated by areas of high land, watershed
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Evaporation (factors driving the magnitude of stores)
Solar radiation hits the surface of the water giving it more energy causing it to change state
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Condensation (factors driving the magnitude of stores)
As air cools it hold less water vapour so if it cooled sufficiently it will be saturated (dew point temperature)
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Cryospheric processes (factors driving the magnitude of stores)
Accumulation, ablation (melting), permafrost
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River regimes
the variability of discharge throughout the course of a year in response to precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration and characteristics
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Water balance
The balance of discharge, evaporation and change in storage in relation to precipitation
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Human impacts on the water cycle
Deforestation, soil drainage, afforestation, water abstraction, agriculture, urban growth and infrastructure
Hydrocarbon extraction and burning, farming practices, land use change, deforestation, urban growth, carbon sequestration
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Human impacts on the carbon budget
Land- Under intense research but it has been shown there is little effect so far. Oceans- Ocean acidification, melting sea ice, ocean warming, ocean salinity, sea levels rise. Atmosphere- Enhanced greenhouse gas effect
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
No interactions with anything outside the boundary
Isolated system
Card 3
Have transfer of energy into the system but not transfers of matter
Card 4
Where both energy and matter are transferred across the boundary
Card 5
Where there is a balance between inputs and outputs
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