Water on Land revision quiz

What is hydraulic action?
The force of the water breaks rock particles away from the river channel
1 of 10
What is abrasion?
Eroded rocks picked up by the river scrape and run against the channel, wearing it away
2 of 10
What is attrition?
Eroded rocks picked up by the river smash into each other and break into smaller fragments
3 of 10
What is solution? (Erosion)
River water dissolves some types of rock e.g. chalk and limestone
4 of 10
What is traction?
Large particles like boulders are pushed along the river bed by the force of the water
5 of 10
What is saltation?
Pebble-sized particles are bounced along the river bed by the force of the water
6 of 10
What is suspension?
Small particles like silt and clay are carried along by the water
7 of 10
What is solution? (transportation)
Soluble materials dissolve in the water and are carried along
8 of 10
What are the four processes of erosion?
Hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition and solution
9 of 10
What are the four processes of transportation?
Traction, suspension, saltation and solution
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is abrasion?


Eroded rocks picked up by the river scrape and run against the channel, wearing it away

Card 3


What is attrition?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is solution? (Erosion)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is traction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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