Water Quality (Rivers)

Dissolved gases & major ions; Bicarbonate buffer system; Nutrients- N, P and DOC; Water temperature

What varies the dissolution of O2 and CO2 in rivers?
A and C
1 of 18
When water temp rises, the conc of O2 and CO2...
2 of 18
In groundwater there is...
Low O2 and high CO2
3 of 18
Why is this?
A and C
4 of 18
In small turbulent streams there...
A saturation of O2 and CO2
5 of 18
The two major ions in river water are:
CA2+ and HCO3-
6 of 18
What is the world average runoff ratio (average runoff per unit area/average rainfall)?
7 of 18
This suggests that the other (1-runoff ratio) is...
8 of 18
What % of river water sodium (Na+) originates from precipitation?
9 of 18
What is the main source of river water sodium (Na+)?
Halite in sedimentary rocks
10 of 18
The main sources of SO4(2-) are:
B and C
11 of 18
100% CO2=
Acidic river
12 of 18
100% HCO3- =
Neutral river
13 of 18
100% CO3(2-) =
Alkaline river
14 of 18
What are the causes of increased DOC?
A, B and D
15 of 18
A possible remediation of DOC is:
16 of 18
Water temperature is important for ecotherms, structure of stream communities, organic matter decomposition, chemical reactions and...
Dissolved gas concentrations
17 of 18
The main driver of stream temperature is:
Shortwave radiation
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


When water temp rises, the conc of O2 and CO2...



Card 3


In groundwater there is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In small turbulent streams there...


Preview of the front of card 5
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